


The Tea Has Turned Red

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Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation Yan Wu
Designer Yan Wu
Description(English) The graphic inspiration comes from the process of tea changing from green to red. Consumers can clearly see the evolution of black tea, which well demonstrates the design theme of "tea turning red", and the visual communication effect is clear at a glance. The shape of the small jar resembles a "granary" for hoarding grain. Here, it symbolizes "tea storage", which sounds the same as "storage" and means "tea storage". A tea shaped card that can be handwritten with the names of family and friends, offering the best wishes.
Description(Native) 图形灵感来源于茶叶由绿变红的一个过程,消费者可以清楚地看到红茶的演变过程,很好地展现了“茶叶红了”的设计主题,视觉传达效果一目了然。 包装内部的小罐造型酷似原先农村囤积粮食的“粮仓”。在这里寓意“茶仓”,“茶仓”与“茶藏”同音,“茶藏”是爱茶人士的私人茶叶收藏,这样设计寓意着用户将自己的珍贵收藏分享给知己、朋友,彰显彼此间非凡的情谊。内置形似茶叶形状的卡片,用户可以手写亲友的名字,敬以最美好的祝愿。 拉链式飞机盒设计,只需撕开预留在纸箱上的拉链即可打开包装盒,十分轻松、便捷,增加了和消费者的互动感、体验感。包装盒无需使用透明胶带即可完好封闭,在成本上减少了没必要的开支,也在一定的程度上起到了环保的意义。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design is praised for its graphic inspiration depicting tea changing from green to red, visually communicating the theme "tea turning red" effectively. The small jar, resembling a granary, symbolizes "tea storage." The handwritten tea-shaped card for names and best wishes adds a personal touch. This innovative and thoughtful approach earned it the Gold Winner title, celebrating its blend of tradition and creativity.
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