

Extra Form
Country United States America
Year 2024
Designer Shuting Jiang, Tianyue Wu
Description(English) Non-native-speaking women often struggle to access healthcare due to language barriers, cultural differences, and unfamiliarity with local systems, leading to delayed or inadequate medical care. Recognizing the unique challenges these women face, the platform offers AI-driven chatbot support, companion services for in-person medical visits, comprehensive insurance guidance, multi-language medication instruction, and community support. We aim to create a more inclusive environment where every woman can access the healthcare she needs confidently, ensuring she can make informed decisions about her health and well-being.
Description(Native) 对正在融入新环境的移民女性来说,语言障碍、文化差异和对新国家医疗系统的不熟悉都是她们获取医疗帮助路上的大山。我们的目标是帮助移民女性克服障碍,为她们提供情感支持和资源,确保她们能够有效地利用医疗服务,更快融入新的环境。 我们的AI智能助手可以实时回复用户的咨询并提供翻译和药品步骤指导;这会大大方便用户理解并遵守医疗程序。这种即问即答的服务也能极大减少由于语言文化差异带来的误解和可能的潜在危险。 我们还提供线下医疗陪同服务。经认证的陪同人员会陪伴用户前往医院或诊所;这些陪同人员不仅能提供母语翻译,还能在整个医疗过程中给予情感支持。这一服务特别针对那些对就医过程感到焦虑不安的用户,让她们在接受医疗服务时感到更放松和被尊重。 此外,我们还提供全面的保险指导。这可以帮助用户理解各种健康保险计划的细节,比较不同保险产品的利弊,做出最佳决定。 社区论坛作为平台的另一个核心部分,为用户提供了一个分享经验、提问及获取健康信息的空间。从孕产妇健康到慢性病管理等各类健康话题,用户都可以在论坛上找到丰富的文章、发起讨论,和寻找帮助。我们的论坛不仅是信息交流的场所,也是女性相互支持和鼓励的社区。 我们的最终目标是打造一个包容性强、资源丰富的健康支持平台,让每位女性都能在接受医疗服务时感到自信和安心。通过人工智能和贴心的服务,我们致力于提高所有用户的健康意识,改善她们的医疗体验,从而提高她们的整体生活质量。在全新的环境中,我们愿意帮移民女性分担一些重量,帮助她们更专心地为自己的未来奋斗。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design addresses the healthcare access challenges faced by non-native-speaking women through an AI-driven platform offering chatbot support, companion services, insurance guidance, and multi-language medication instructions. By fostering an inclusive environment, it ensures women can confidently make informed health decisions. This compassionate and innovative approach earned it the Gold Winner title, highlighting its commitment to inclusivity and accessibility.
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  1. OUTPOST cafe

  2. JIA Garden

  3. The Gravity Winery Project

  4. Storytelling care by theme garden and playground

  5. The WABI SABI house

  6. The Embodiment of a Masterpiece

  7. Ossuary Hall Prabha


  9. Original Texture

  10. Thats good enough

  11. Lakeside one

  12. Redesign a Hakka Temple


  14. WOSA Sintered Stone Experiential Showroom

  15. Apartment RE

  16. Apartment CL

  17. Thomas Choi Birth Memorial Chapel

  18. House of Reason


  20. Echos in Quiet Light

  21. Cafe Dobutsuen No Yoko

  22. Wooden Lookout

  23. Sumu Yakushima

  24. Mobile Bus Office

  25. Spiritual Home

  26. Ocean Immersion

  27. Aurora

  28. Wedge house

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