


Neutral Line

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation ZYJ Interior Design
Designer Yu Wen Liao
Description(English) The overall white color on this residential project allows the light and shadow to show the depth of the space, the Spanish tiles, the balance warm and cold colors are implemented to embellish the hallway and the large TV wall, also the linear design vocabulary also neatly divides the living areas. The aquarium located in the center of the living area uses the line characteristic of the metal steel, the covered with cool glass to continue the soft apricot tone of the room, and effortlessly casts the green shadow.
Description(Native) 業主對於未來趨勢及住家生活有非常明確的思維,設計師以科技智能延伸所想,建構線條劃分生活及工作場域;白色主體的設計概念,包覆鐵件此類生冷材質,搭配冷暖兼具的大理石陶板,及杏色主體的木調,反向製造一種灰階溫潤氣質,其中融合的科技智能,則與生活息息相映,結合業主過去努力的褒獎、生活的嚮往。一眼所見的溫潤質感為本作品第一印象,直線帶出的生活空間則以不同材質訴說其分別。除了過去生活的犒賞,還有未來的想望,本案宅邸中純白彰顯光影的透視,穿插的西班牙石英磚,選用冷暖色調兼具的色樣,點綴玄關與大面電視牆,直線交錯的線構美學,俐落的劃分生活區域,坐落生活中心的魚缸,利用金屬鋼直的特性,包覆清冷的玻璃,延續室內的柔杏色調,毫不費力的烙下綠影,延伸鐵件至天花板,利用黑鏡反射特性,消彌了橫梁的高度限制,完美的結合場域分隔;貼合主調的選擇,軟裝家具皆以中性的色調調和硬體的質感, 點亮室內空間的語法,傾訴一日的辛勞。
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