

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2022
Affiliation WJID
Description(English) "Urban Green Valley" not only refers to the spatial form, but also a healthy life concept of symbiosis between people, space and environment. It superposes the highly complex multi-format space and breaks the boundary. To create an urban oasis free from the city, hidden in the bustling place and integrated into the urban organism. Open the space to the city and integrate into multiple urban formats. Through the modular way, cut into the user's life scene, build a green and orderly, bustling and quiet urban aesthetic block.
Description(Native) 仁恒·海上源位于上海杨浦内环滨江区域,是仁恒第六代国际社区的开源之作。基于原有的城市肌理之,将社区、街区与城市的边界柔化,兼顾空间的开放性与私密感。将新消费场景融入日益精进的产品迭代中,实现从国际社区到未来国际街区的蜕变。 WJID以解构、重组的形式对营销中心进行场景化业态重塑,基于「城市绿谷」的概念,打造多业态的复合式空间。 「城市绿谷」不仅是指空间形态,更是一种人、空间、环境共生的健康生活理念,将高度复合型的多业态空间进行叠加,打破边界。打造游离于城市之上的都市绿洲,隐于繁华处,融入城市有机体。将空间向城市敞开,融入多重城市业态。通过模块化的方式,切入用户生活场景,构筑绿色且有序、繁华而静谧的都市美学街区。
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