



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation CG DESIGN
Designer Andersen Chiu, Elma Hsu
Description(English) The home is chiefly finished with timber and veneer furnishing, intermingled with fair-faced concrete and delicately introducing the guest to look into the placement via detailed configuration. Strip light and hardware embellishment fashion the Wabi-Sabi dwelling with a stylish motif. Moreover, we exploit wood veneer to decorate the beam, which not only enlarges the space but also skillfully creates design coherence.Utilize clear glass for an open cabinet to meet the requirement for display, artfully resulting in a vigorous ambiance.
Description(Native) 全室以木質為核心元素,運用大量實木皮及舒然銘板共組場域,並於牆面施作清水模塗料,藉細膩層次引領參觀者深入空間盡處,其間搭配俐落的金屬飾條、線型燈光,將現代風采綴入日式侘寂,此外,依循整體風格,於天花板橫梁包覆木皮,消弭量體存在感,塑造挑高的視覺效果。 透過去除隔間牆與門片的設置,巧搭清玻立面及開放式櫃體,滿足樣品屋最主要的展示功能,營造寬敞且張力十足的視覺感受,除了凸顯並使人專注於建材質感,彈性開闊的空間也令參觀者產生更多元的想像及詢問意願,提升進一步洽談的可能。 妥善運用天然建材,於立面陳貼實木皮跟「潑墨山水」花崗岩,其經典、不易變質的特性,在時間的考驗下歷久彌新,爾後拆除也可循環利用,打造自然永續的健康場域。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments Streamlight Residence, winner of the K-Design Award 2024, received high marks for its harmonious blend of timber and concrete, detailed configuration, and stylish Wabi-Sabi motif. The use of strip lighting and clear glass enhances the space, creating a vibrant ambiance. This design showcases an elegant balance of natural materials and modern aesthetics, reflecting a thoughtful and cohesive approach.
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