



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Client Wowprime Corp.
Affiliation Existence Design Co., Ltd.
Designer ZI YU HUANG
Description(English) The logo embodies the essence of a barbecue restaurant, integrating elements of pork belly, its shape and grain, and Korean "Jeotgarak" chopsticks. The "exclamation mark" transforms into graphical representations of "meat, vegetables, and sauces," creating unique brand symbols that convey "superimposing taste and creating surprises." Colors reflect the vibrant presentation of barbecued meat, using rich and bright hues to create a lively atmosphere. Little Fire Man, IP, a character in Chingu's universe, inspired by roasted pigs, enhances visual aesthetics and fosters consumer engagement and interaction.
Description(Native) LOGO直觀的詮釋燒肉店的靈魂,標準字以韓式烤肉經典的厚切豬五花肉為概念,採用肉塊方圓的造型、肉的紋理,筆劃則是取自韓國的「扁筷」特色融合其中。 色彩萃取於餐桌上燒肉的擺盤,將蔬菜、醬料、肉等強烈、鮮明且自然的色彩,轉化為設計輔助顏色,營造金咕韓式烤肉活潑現代的氛圍,並將其延伸至品牌空間與媒體宣傳中。 識別的獨特性則條列重點如下: (1) 轉化符號,透過視覺與消費者傳達品牌的訴求:「疊加的口感與創造驚喜」是業主希望消費者在接觸品牌時能強烈感受到的訊息,因此成為在企劃視覺時的重要靈魂。我們將「驚嘆號」作為視覺溝通的符號,將符號解構,轉化成肉、蔬菜及醬汁的圖形,再組合成專屬品牌的符號,成功傳達品牌的訴求。 (2) 創造金咕品牌的世界觀:以火烤豬為概念,打造出角色IP:小火人。在金咕的燒肉世界裡,以「肉、醬、菜」為主,延伸出三種主打的吃法,而小火人則是遊走於此,帶領消費者享受金咕的燒肉世界。 (3) IP與消費者之間的連結:IP不只融入整體視覺中,更與消費者做互動連結,當消費者踏入金咕的那一刻,小火人即藉由各式的載體,例如:室內裝潢、指標、店卡、提袋等,更是延伸到後續行銷的操作,製作小火人週邊商品,推出扭蛋、夾娃娃機等設施,讓用餐客人更有參與感,進入金咕的世界。
Website www.existence.com.tw
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This barbecue restaurant logo is praised for integrating elements of pork belly, chopsticks, and graphical representations of "meat, vegetables, and sauces." The vibrant colors reflect the lively presentation of barbecued meat, while Little Fire Man, inspired by roasted pigs, enhances visual aesthetics and consumer engagement. This creative and engaging design earned it the Winner title.
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