

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Client Co.
Affiliation Wang Hsiang Ling
Designer Wang Hsiang Ling
Description(English) Simply laid out, the reception center is divided into the reception desk and the meeting area, whose tables are separated with curvy perforated plates made of hard iron. By means of alternation of hard and soft materials, a stark contrast is presented, making for an expressive design full of fun and gradation. Additionally, curvy shapes and lines are consistent in different parts of the building, including the ceiling, walls and floor, suggestive of ocean waves that rise and fall endlessly day and night, full of vitality and imbued with life. This further enhances and corresponds with the reception center’s special location in the port city.
Description(Native) 最大的挑戰是開發案的設計與工程完工都必須在非常有限而壓縮的時間內完成,外觀與內部細節的妥善無疑是對設計及施工團隊艱鉅的任務。 接待中心內部的格局配置相當簡潔,區分為接待櫃台及洽談區,不同桌次之間採用鐵製沖孔板相隔,以堅硬的鐵件製作成弧形隔板,透過軟、硬素材交替,賦予感官印象極端對比,鋪陳饒富趣味且具豐厚層次的設計表情。此外,室內從天花、壁面到地板,以弧線造型串連,彎折線條寓意著由白晝至黑夜,永不停歇的海浪波濤,活力湧流、生生不息,也更強化而呼應接待中心坐落於海港城的特殊地理元素。 入口左側所規劃圓形的兒童遊戲區,採用降板設計,進一步強化海洋元素,舖設淺灰色地毯,仿造遊戲沙坑意象,巧妙詮釋建案特色,也讓來訪的孩子們彷彿在海灘上悠閒玩沙一樣,愉悅而放鬆。 配色部分,整體空間以灰色水泥板、實木貼皮、白色油漆交錯搭配,透過裸素材突顯容易親近的溫馨品味,再輔以黃色座椅達到畫龍點睛的跳色效果,造就一座大器沉穩卻又貼近雅緻生活的接待中心,並賦予在地嶄新的美學魅力。
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