



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation Creep Design
Description(English) You will always remember the warmth of a hug from mom, no matter how far you go. The space is based on the cold tone of colors; however, we are still looking for a touch of warmth and smoothness, so as the inspiration of the arc of embrace from mom, we see us like a newborn watching the world in mother's arms while looking out, the world that we see might be the noise by the outside reality; turning inward, it may be a tender whisper that you can embrace immediately. This place may be able to reduce your desires, put aside the complexity, and recover your original simplicity in a world without contamination.
Description(Native) 彷若母體中自帶的熟悉感,一如蜷縮在母親懷抱般,無論走得多遠,心中依然眷戀那份溫暖。 以母親手與手之間懷抱的弧度為靈感,在冷冽的空間色調中,尋覓一絲溫潤圓滑,猶如新生孩兒在母親懷中觀望世界,向外一看,可能是現實給予的喧鬧吵雜;向裡一轉,可能又會是立即能擁抱住的綿延細語,在這或許你能刪減思慾、拋開繁雜,在不沾染世俗的境地中 - 返璞歸真。 對[家]的定義,是溫暖、清靜、安全的空間。 設計上模仿了母親子宮的保護性,以三維度的天花板設計,讓空間被圓潤弧線所包覆,形成了沒有[角]的天花。拆除了隔間的牆體,開放式的空間規劃,引領陽光進來,可以照射到整體的空間,讓空間沐浴在陽光下,為身心提供了溫暖的環境。灰色調能包容各種色彩,以不同材料的灰為空間基底,利用材料本身的紋路和肌理來增加空間的層次感。捨去過多的裝飾線條,讓空間回歸樸質純粹的簡單,營造出身心放鬆的冥想空間。 去蕪存菁減法的解決方案,讓生活變得簡單,也讓生活得到了更多的時間。
Website www.creepstudio.com
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  1. Dental Hipster

  2. KAJITSU NO HANA Umeda NU chayamachi

  3. Ribbon House

  4. In Between the Red Brick Wall

  5. MDCG

  6. Turning Page

  7. Golden Year

  8. Every Thai

  9. Refreshing Light Developing Shadows

  10. A Love of the Sea

  11. Long Time Sunshin

  12. Greenland Wancui City a1 unit

  13. Stillness

  14. Vibe Centro

  15. Place of comfort

  16. Tranquil Fusion

  17. HYGGE

  18. Endless Phantom

  19. Sharing Art

  20. An inviting indigo condo

  21. House with a garden

  22. Choshida house

  23. Bezier W

  24. Emerge from the Cocoon and be Reborn

  25. Huating Ziyuan Villa

  26. The Realm of Rustic Light

  27. Z


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