


Vibe Centro

Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2022
Client Co.
Affiliation Tade Design Group Limited Co., Ltd.
Designer Joanne Tsang
Description(English) TV panel made of marble layers and fabric wallpaper enhances the sense of elegance. Marble TV panel is matched with a wooden dining table and melt pendant light. The floating design ensures a light and harmoniums expression that will light up the dining area. Rose gold-framed glass sliding door is the most elegance way to block of unwanted noise and set up to support owner working alone, while still allowing owner to see the rest of their living room. One highlight is how to beautify a high cabinets in kid’s bedrooms, the wardrobe that fulfill homeowners’ large storage requirements and integrate wooden strip and arch into the design.
Description(Native) 客廳滿廳走淺色木的柔和自然風,譬如原有的滿鋪斜紋木地板,設計師並在實木餐桌旁訂製淺色木櫃,櫥櫃中段設有展示位,足夠戶主擺放家庭相與飾物。至於預留擺放鋼琴的一端,亦訂製了條子木屏風,作為淡化鋼琴黑的的重色。整個廳區,飯廳的布置屬素雅舒適氛圍,而以沙發作為分隔的客廳,以沙發為限,後方屬飯聽,由皮革與雲石的矜貴感過渡至淡色木的用餐區,戶主揀選的實木枱櫈,與背後的大型櫥櫃十分匹配。值得一提是客廳電視牆的造型,以對花的雲石紋板鋪陳帶斜度與直行滲光的獨特感,與淡灰色塊碰撞出矜貴與型酷,且能消弭左右兩旁樑陣不對稱的觀感。 主臥房同樣用上淡灰色搭配木素材,由床頭櫃延伸書桌和女戶主的梳妝檯,設計師便做了特別的處理,以帶光環與懸浮式設計為臥房平添活潑感。兩間子女房基本上採用木條子牆板與白和灰色牆紙,效果清新自然,襯托兩孩子分別揀選不同深淺調的藍色床頭板捫布。逐一實現戶主一家期望「舒適帶華麗」快然自足的生活空間。
Website www.tadedesign.com
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  14. Vibe Centro

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  27. Z


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