Country | Chinese Taipei |
Year | 2022 |
Award | WINNER |
Affiliation | SYCM DESIGN |
Designer | Lu Tsung Yu |
Description(English) | Adjacent to the living room, the open-plan dining room looks spacious and unobstructed. The TV wall is characterized by fun elements. On the left are hardwood grilles closely placed together to symbolize ocean waves. This proceeds further to the left into the dining-room cabinets and the base section of the wall leading to the kitchen, shaping a visual continuity, with thin white tiles suggestive of reefs, while the earth-tone walls all around are transformed into the beach. Thus an abstract beach scene that feels so real comes into view, creating a calming, laid-back feel. |
Description(Native) | 入口玄關右側的鞋櫃門片特別選用明鏡,不僅作為出門前整理儀容的穿衣鏡,更藉由鏡面反射效果將空間感放大。玄關前方的隔屏以半霧面的條紋玻璃,透過光線朦朧地呈現對面景觀,更以釣竿造型結合在隔屏的弧形收邊之中。以浪漫美感的姿態,巧妙化解東方風水學上穿堂煞的禁忌。 客廳、餐廳天花刻意以弧線做出高低落差層次感,並巧妙修飾隱藏在內的空調、設備電路,不單與玄關格屏線條相呼應,更藉此增加室內挑高,和緩降低了空間的壓迫感。客廳沙發後方是開放式區域,可彈性依照喜好進行隔間,在與屋主溝通後,保留其原始狀態,並以陳列架進一步強化儲物機能,展示主人們的收藏品與書籍等。 由中央走道,進入主臥室、孩子回家休憩的客房與更衣室。主臥室主牆更以整片淺棕色,作為客廳風格的延續,在整體視覺上相互呼應而加倍完整,靜靜地凸顯溫暖靜謐的氛圍。刻意保留而獨立出來的更衣室,設置數量充裕的吊桿、抽屜與櫃體,將大量衣物的收納機能做到極致,透過大面積窗臺映入的濃密綠意,讓日常著裝打扮和衣物收納也成為生活中愜意的享受。客房以淺藍、深藍雙色交錯,把海的意象再度連結於空間中,讓空間主體既活潑又相連貫穿,天衣無縫地把生活與大自然緊密結合,妙趣橫生。 |
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Positive Comments |
Dental Hipster
KAJITSU NO HANA Umeda NU chayamachi
Ribbon House
In Between the Red Brick Wall
Turning Page
Golden Year
Every Thai
Refreshing Light Developing Shadows
A Love of the Sea
Long Time Sunshin
Greenland Wancui City a1 unit
Vibe Centro
Place of comfort
Tranquil Fusion
Endless Phantom
Sharing Art
An inviting indigo condo
House with a garden
Choshida house
Bezier W
Emerge from the Cocoon and be Reborn
Huating Ziyuan Villa
The Realm of Rustic Light
Designed by / sketchbook5 board skin