



Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2023
Affiliation zinc studio Co., Ltd.
Designer Shin Ng, Kim Yam
Description(English) Our strategy is to focus our design effort to create one big continuous space where it can host a variety of gatherings, events and games. Throughout the space, we have different kinds of hanging lights, light bars, rail lights, wall lights, standing lamps and hidden lights. The different designs of lights show an appreciation of diversity, which is a confident design statement, in that the owners have recognized the vicissitude of life, and have returned, over a drink on the kitchen island, to peacefully recollect these treasur
Description(Native) 男人窩 此設計案以傳統香港工廈的尺度,陳放窖藏各種美酒,結合復古和後工業風的裝飾點綴,包裹業主三人經久不衰的友誼。 由於空間缺少自然光,照明成為設計的核心元素。不同種類的吊燈、燈條、軌道燈、壁燈、立燈等。加上特色的拱形照明玻璃屏風,照亮了客廳的每一角落。 精緻的飾面和獨特的圓拱形狀延伸到天花板,形成波浪形特色天花,從而隱藏工廈的突亢橫梁結合曲線的靈動和建築粗獷主義的美學。 為了刻劃男人窩中不同空間,尾端的酒窖角落特意以優雅紋理的橡木木板作佈置,酒架則採用香檳金色的青銅作框,加上兩盞的鎢絲座燈、牆燈映襯一系列不同的佳釀,散發出一種對時間的感知,彷彿這些陳年美酒就像三個朋友之間的友誼,愈陳愈香。
Website www.zincstudio.co
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  1. Xiao Xiang Ma Tou

  2. Office Mumm


  4. PHOENIX 39 French Restaurant

  5. Fatface cafe

  6. Heritage of Light


  8. NICKTHEREAL REALIVE Concert Stage Design

  9. Human Haus TP

  10. Cavern

  11. Office OVERLAP

  12. TRACE


  14. Enchanting Snowflakes Christmas Installation

  15. Mine Shade

  16. Gathered Pieces

  17. Made Lim

  18. Mancave

  19. Magma Hot Pot

  20. MaruMaru Lash

  21. Immersion in light and shadow

  22. Just Right

  23. Feastia

  24. CXN

  25. Silver Snow in the Afternoon

  26. Refulgent Grandeur

  27. Winding Reminiscence

  28. Renovation of Miaojia Village Happiness Square

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