

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation MinusPlus Design
Designer Yu Hsuan Chu, Yu Cheng Chang
Description(English) The ceiling is a strong impression with an unadorned technique. The pure white paint smooths out the dark tone, with only light and shadows to outline the vivid look. The walls are covered with delicate light brown stone paint that looks smooth as a mirror. When touched, one can feel the bumpy particles on the surface. Next side, soft curves are arranged in various parts of the space, while linear lighting provides visual guidance, stretching, and restraining. Lastly, the floor is paved with concrete, its natural gray tones and almost glossy surface resembling human skin.
Description(Native) 染白的木皮吧台與展座,米白色的織品,皮革,在濃淡各異的米白色佈局中,溫暖的存在著。仔細觀察天地壁的紋理,分別具有三種層次的感受。 天花板以原始裸露的技法呈現,帶來強烈的視覺印象,藉由純白的漆料撫平過於重色系的描繪,僅適用光影帶出鮮明的勾勒線條;壁面選用細緻的淡奶茶色的石頭漆,在光線下看起來平滑如鏡,仔細觸摸後可以感受到表面的凹凸顆粒感,就像一塊乾淨的布料,經過解構與重組過後,縫合成一件件柔美卻富有力道的呈現。柔美的曲線布置在空間中各個地方,線形光線給予視覺很好的引導效果,舒展也內斂,不同的區域優雅銜接,人在行往坐臥之間,有了一份自在的過渡與停留;地面則用自坪水泥,接近自然的灰樸質調以及幾乎潔淨的光亮表面就像人體的膚質,空間運用同樣的設計思維將環境比擬成布料,使作品暗喻著空間的主題性以及品牌印象。
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