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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Architect at Taipei Tech
Designer Che Kuang Chuang
Description(English) This series explores the diverse aspects of the Metaverse. What will people eat, wear, reside in, and use for transportation in the metaverse? Information become new food in this era, while avatar on social media represent the appearances of the emerging generation. These digital entities reside in cloud storage, interconnected by networks. Based on these symbols, the designer integrated them into four conceptual machines for sustenance, clothing, shelter, and transportation in the Metaverse. This effort produced visual images corresponding to unique noise patterns and color spectrums, harmonizing with the central theme.
Description(Native) 百景系列以北科大元宇宙研發中心為服務對象,設計了一系列關於元宇宙中的"食、衣、住、行"的視覺概念,展現了元宇宙的多元面向,同時引發觀者對相關議題的思考。 作為一個包羅萬象的網路世界,人類在元宇宙中的基本生存需求將會有怎樣的轉變?設計師首先以此為出發點,為人們在元宇宙中的各種需求設計了一系列幻想機械。數據、路由器、影像、資訊成為新人類的糧食,而在FB、IG、Twitter等帳號平台上推播的影像資訊則成為新人類的虛擬外觀,存放在雲端硬碟中,透過光纖網路無盡地傳輸。 基於這些視覺符號,設計師將其結合成四台機器:這四台幻想機械在元宇宙中滿足食、衣、住、行的需求,並發展出一系列視覺圖像,每個圖像都對應不同的雜訊符號與色相光譜,以呼應核心的視覺主題。
Website www.behance.net/gallery/171776147/G18-Metaverse-Conceptual-Graphic-Design
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  2. Gifts of Taiwan Land

  3. Fresh Sliced Bread

  4. Baidu Intelligent Driving Cloud Platform

  5. Crush monster

  6. Driving Safety Guarantee System

  7. JEONNAM DRAGONS FC Identity Renewal

  8. XIJIAJIA An AI Digital Human

  9. TOV

  10. StreamLake Brand Design

  11. WATER Mobile App EV Fast Charging Network

  12. Nai Tang Pai

  13. Youku dual screen synergy ad experience

  14. Insecta Iridesse

  15. The crucial 96 hours

  16. Baidu full Scenario Parking

  17. Columbia WAPPEN DESIGN of 13 moutains in Seoul

  18. Seoul Design Festival Hangeul Brand Design

  19. Miwon Font An old letter tastes better

  20. LIVE BEFORE MARRIAGE Visual Branding

  21. Bank of Taiwan

  22. Tealog

  23. ROMANMEAL Whole Grain Breads

  24. Metaworld Conceptual Visual Design

  25. Columbia New Character IKKI

  26. Cage Bird

  27. EDEN

  28. Project Eyes to Eyes

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