


Tree education inseitute

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation China University of Technology
Designer Wu Yun Hui, Lin Yun Syuan, Hsu Yi Yun
Description(English) Focusing on the prevention and control of tree pests and diseases, this design assists the Taiwan Tree Hospital in reshaping its brand packaging design to promote natural pest control methods. It utilizes non-toxic formulas for effective pest control and establishes a regenerative cycle between tree treatment materials and recycled wood. Furthermore, visual designs based on the theme of trees and biodiversity present patterns for the packaging. The concept of circular packaging is promoted through informational graphics and application software, emphasizing the importance of inspiring respect and protection for the environment.
Description(Native) 本設計針對樹木病蟲害防治,協助臺灣“樹木醫院”進行品牌包裝設計重塑,推廣天然防治方式,利用無毒配方有效害,建置樹木防治資材與廢棄木材再生循環,創作理念基於兩大核心價值:環境保護和資源再生,選擇使用可生物降解的再生包裝材料,減少對環境的負擔。其次,以樹木與生物多樣性為主題,透過視覺設計呈現包裝圖案,其中也將消費過程的永續使用與樹木研究相關知識,透過資訊圖表與應用軟體,輕鬆學習樹木知識,鼓勵年輕用戶在保護樹木方面積極參與,增加趣味性以及互動性,培養對樹木保護的關懷和責任感,並進行循環包裝的理念推廣,更注重啟發人們對環境的尊重和保護。透過這樣的創作理念,希望引領消費者走向更可持續、更綠色的生活方式。
Website love6123230.wixsite.com/tree
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design excels in promoting natural pest control for the Taiwan Tree Hospital, utilizing non-toxic formulas and a regenerative cycle between tree treatment materials and recycled wood. The visual designs emphasize trees and biodiversity, and circular packaging is highlighted through graphics and software. This innovative, eco-friendly approach earned the Gold Winner title, showcasing its commitment to environmental respect and protection.
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