

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Shih Chien University
Designer Ding Han Yuan
Description(English) Scientists are actively looking for alternatives to traditional food sources due to population growth and limited resources. Insects, such as mealworms, are a nutritious and resource-efficient option. A product designed for easy mealworm cultivation and consumption at home has been developed, consisting of a growth box, a rack for the box, and a refrigerator for storage. The layer design of the growth box facilitates cleaning and the rack provides information on temperature, humidity, and growth time. The refrigerator allows for easy access to mealworms for cooking.
Description(Native) 聯合國推算,全球人口到2050年將增加25%,人口越多耕地越少,糧食供不應求在未來很難改變,為此科學家們積極的尋找替代方案,而營養價値高、資源消耗量又少的昆蟲成為了其中一個選擇。因此,以飮食及食品趨勢,思考未來食用昆蟲會如何融入人類的生活之中,想設計一組方便在家中進行養殖並食用昆蟲的產品,讓使用者簡單、方便的飼養黃粉蟲, 與日常飮食更加緊密的結合。黃粉蟲又叫麵包蟲,維生素含量極為豐富,具有多種礦物質,烹調方式多元,風味口感佳,食用者較易接受,並受歐盟食安局認證可食用。本產品分為三個部分:黃粉蟲的飼養成長盒、放置飼養盒的飼養盒架,以及黃粉蟲的存放冰箱。考量到黃粉蟲的生活習性,飼養盒以層狀設計,除了可以區分黃粉蟲不同的生長階段,在清潔方面也很簡單。飼養盒架能放置飼養盒,也給予使用者關於溫濕度資訊及飼養時間的紀錄,有效的控管黃粉蟲的生長環境,存放冰箱則思考到人類的料理習慣,方便料理時取用入菜。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This product excels in promoting sustainable living by simplifying at-home mealworm cultivation. Its thoughtful design, featuring a growth box, information rack, and storage refrigerator, enhances convenience and accessibility. The judges appreciated its innovative approach to addressing global food security challenges.
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