



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Designer Hui Liu, Yunhan Bai, Shengyin Zhang, Xiaoyue Li
Description(English) Dstone is an adjunctive therapy for gout, integrating an app with lithotripsy to improve patient treatment experience. The product utilizes shock wave emission to gradually disintegrate gout stones, expediting their dissolution. The accompanying app enables control over treatment intensity and offers hospital-affiliated services, including online consultations and streamlined payment processing. Additionally, it employs algorithms to forecast patients' physical conditions, fostering greater self-awareness of health status.
Description(Native) 痛风的人数日益增多,愈发呈年轻化。痛风发作时,轻则疼痛难耐,影响正常生活,重则落下残疾。但是治疗痛风却是一个长期且漫长的过程,许多病人因为复杂繁琐的看病环节与对病情的忽视而无法坚持下来,导致后续痛风的发作。 Dstone是一款辅助药物治疗痛风的治疗方案。产品通过碎石方式加速痛风石溶解并将碎石仪器作为家用治疗仪器进行使用。我们从痛风石药物治疗的原理中得到启发,通过冲击波发射装置缓慢震碎痛风石从而加速痛风石的溶解。针对于冲击波的定位原理,我们采用深度学习技术对结果进行影像分析并辅助定位,仪器侧边的气囊在工作时会充气协助固定足部以保证治疗过程安全有效。 而为了解决优化就医流程的需求,我们打算与医院进行合作,打造线上的就医平台,为患者提供线上问诊、缴费、信息查询等功能。减少非必要的重复流程,减少患者的就医时长。提供体检报告解读与尿酸记录和预测工具。通过查看医院上传的报告解读和算法预测尿酸值让患者大致了解自身病情状况与变化,提高对病情的重视程度。医生也能通过查看患者app上传的治疗情况,了解患者是否有按照医嘱坚持进行治疗,并对其提供建议性的回访。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The Dstone therapy system excels by integrating lithotripsy with a digital health app, enhancing patient experience and treatment efficacy. Its shock wave technology and intuitive app for intensity control and health monitoring offer a comprehensive solution for gout patients. This innovative design significantly improves both medical outcomes and patient convenience.
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