

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation HTDLA
Designer Dragon Hugh, Ares
Description(English) It's a design concept that prioritizes artistic expression while considering functionality. Through a plaster mural wall, the space agreeably integrates the living room, dining area, bedroom, and multifunctional spaces, breaking free from the confines of traditional room divisions. This symbolism signifies the longing for family unity and the joy of homecoming for those living abroad. Furthermore, beneath the staircase, is created with the continuation of the mural's lake scene through the use of black marble and floor cushions, providing a tranquil space for relaxation. This design seamlessly blends natural landscapes with familial emotions.
Description(Native) 藉著精心運用圓弧,巧妙打磨各個轉角,將厚實的大理石紋理營造出最佳的效果,與天花板上大面積的木絲水泥和粗糙的泥土塗料完美結合,不僅打造出自然和諧的氛圍,同時還具備優異的隔音和吸音性能。 此外,為了考慮業主常年境內外往返的情況,房子選用了耐用、易於維護的SPC地板和大板磚牆面,打造出一個能夠長久傳承的精美家宅。整個房子充滿了家族的期盼,希望游子歸來、團圓歡聚,就如同花開花落、日出日落,歲月更迭而又永恆不變的美好場景。 本案以意境為先,功能為準,透過一道泥土壁畫牆面,創造出公私空間,將客廳、餐廳、臥室、多機能等四個區域交錯融合,使空間不再被限制在特定的區域內。首先,泥土壁畫上的多盞圓形壁燈,呈現不同月相的陰晴圓缺,營造出柔和的照明效果。接著,一個圓形窗戶揭開了藏身於壁畫後的二樓臥房,當居住在國外的遊子回到家時,房間內的燈光變成了壁畫中的滿月,讓整幅山水美景得以完整展現。這象徵著家族的期望,希望落葉歸根,共享天倫之樂。此外,樓梯下方的玄色大理石與蒲團延續了壁畫中的湖景,提供居住者一個寧靜休憩的角落。這樣的設計融合了自然景觀和家庭情感,為空間帶來了詩意和寧靜。 為滿足主人家的迎賓需求,我們將一樓規劃為開放式的公共領域,營造出業主及訪客舒適明亮的交誼場所。此外,以鏡面隔板劃分二樓的書廊,外側作為閱讀和運動的起居場所,隔間內部則設置各式櫃體,方便未來創業辦公使用。
Website htdla.myportfolio.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design excels in artistic expression while maintaining functionality. The plaster mural wall integrates living spaces, symbolizing family unity and homecoming. The tranquil relaxation area under the staircase, with a mural lake scene, blends natural landscapes with familial emotions. This seamless fusion of art and practicality earned it the Winner title, celebrating its innovative and heartfelt design.
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