

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Zoom Interior Design Studio Co., Ltd.
Description(English) 1. Transparent Partitions: Allowing natural light and air to flow freely throughout the entire indoor space, creating a bright and well-ventilated environment. 2. Smart Home Integration: Reducing the time and effort needed for device operation, making living more convenient and efficient. 3. Multi-Functional Living: Easily transformable into an office, fitness area, or social hub. 4. Bathroom Design: No longer just utilitarian spaces, now designed for display. The designer redefines the home experience with the concepts of transparency, smart functionality, and versatility.
Description(Native) 這個住宅空間專門為一對夫婦量身定制,因此在平面規劃不需要劃分多個房間。女主人希望能夠擁有符合她的氣質的空間,設計師在每次會議中都感受到屋主散發著外表堅定內心溫柔的獨特魅力,因此也將空間調性以此概念做設計,空間中採用了黑金配色,流線型的圓弧造型和精細的邊緣處理,使整個空間更加富有靈活性和多樣性。 在設計階段時,正值疫情最嚴重的時期,考慮滿足家庭的多種需求。首先,在家裡為居家辦公提供了工作桌,同時在客廳規劃了工作區。其次,將健身房帶回家,省去了外出運動的必要,提供了更方便的健身設施。最後,引入自然光,創造一個能夠在家中愉悅地享受陽光沐浴的陽光屋。此外,該空間利用了Apple HomeKit智慧家庭系統,將所有照明、音響和空調等電器設備相互連接,為居住環境帶來了許多便捷和智慧化的功能。 在電視主牆的設計上,採用了與傳統方法截然不同的創新手法,這個計畫的核心理念是減少對地球的環境破壞,避免大理石採掘,同時將月球表面的紋理融入家居設計。 設計師採用了最新的水泥雕刻技術,每個紋理都經過個性定制,並積極鼓勵業主參與製作過程,使作品具備獨一無二和獨具特色的特點。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design excels in creating a bright, well-ventilated space with transparent partitions, integrating smart home technology for convenience, and offering versatile living areas that transform into offices, fitness zones, or social hubs. The innovative bathroom design enhances display aesthetics. This redefinition of home experience earned it the Winner title, showcasing exceptional transparency, functionality, and versatility.
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  1. Forest


  3. Moonlight at night

  4. Feast of Natural

  5. POCN Portuguese Chinese Fusion Restaurant

  6. Deconstructing Shadows with Light and Color

  7. Cat Daily

  8. Hangzhou KAI Innovation Office Complex

  9. Moonlit Vista

  10. A House of Taking Time Off

  11. Beneath the Sun and Moon

  12. Mountain Impression

  13. Dancing Ribbon

  14. Champion Wine Cave

  15. Lounge Heeum

  16. The Memory of Dream

  17. The Bloomsway Hong Kong

  18. Cafe Mersey

  19. Yorokonde

  20. Light with color

  21. Clean Slate

  22. Mist Cloaked Cave Residence

  23. Lift Off and Fly Higher

  24. Impulse

  25. Zen breeze in treehouse

  26. Origin NO1

  27. IDTECH

  28. Streamlight Residence

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