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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Designer WEI LUN
Description(English) Differentiating from commonly trendy hair salons, the project owner would like to embrace a grunge style that echoes the brand concept—“a relief of unique self.” With the unique advantage of natural lighting, a broad space of 165.3 square meters that accommodates only eight stations contributes to an airy and cozy vibe rather than conventionally cramped rooms. Complying with the essence of the core idea –“a relief of body and soul,” a light and relaxing space based on the existing constructions incorporated blurred boundaries and flexible moving flows, brimming with a refreshing atmosphere.
Description(Native) 運用得天獨厚的自然採光優勢,50坪大的空間僅劃設8個座位,以開闊之勢創造舒適氛圍,有別於一般擁擠拘束的服務體驗,亦契合品牌理念「釋放身心」。除既有梁柱結構外,沒有多劃設隔間,利用模糊動線打造自由徜徉的路徑,為場域注入一股流動氣息,輕盈而舒壓。因著業主喜愛的頹廢風格,利用結構敲鑿刪減與木石紋理拼貼,形塑原生性濃厚的裝置藝術。淡泊水泥為基底,覆上落拓石材與醇厚木質,佐以窗外大面採光,感受自然質地的表情變化;一如每個人的本來面貌,伴隨時光冉冉,多了幾分痕跡刻畫,亦別具韻味。之於空間來說,「化繁為簡」即是最好的設計,保留原建築結構,不使用太多附加材質,撿拾木材餘料與之運用,減少環境破壞,並援引自然光源,節約用電,以環保漆料稍作粉飾,呈顯本來面貌,讓空間、設計、環境三者共好,達至永續循環。以純淨通透質地揭開序幕,搭襯木材餘料拼構而成的裝置藝術,揭示了原生質感的門店風格。步入梯廳,收束為窄道,佐以不規則線條及內嵌燈源,轉為現代氛圍;後向內延展,逐漸開闊,彷如美髮過程的蛻變而生,每一步皆充滿驚喜。為引入光源,邀請業主共同參與敲擊牆面創造門洞,自階梯而上,空間層次與視覺驚喜不言而喻。為讓行進動線順暢且光線流通無阻,並沒有特別區隔洗髮區,而是讓其自然融入,亦方便美髮人員互相照應。在區域交會間,僅利用加高踏階,悄然區隔場域性質,並貼心嵌入光源以利照明。座位安排上,以寬敞舒適定調,不論是美髮人員或顧客,都能恣意放鬆。
Website www.weilundesign.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This hair salon design excels in embracing a grunge style that embodies the brand concept of "a relief of unique self." The spacious 165.3 square meters with natural lighting and only eight stations create an airy, cozy vibe, promoting relaxation. The blurred boundaries and flexible flow enhance the refreshing atmosphere. This innovative approach to salon design earned it the Gold Winner title, highlighting its unique blend of style and comfort.
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