

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Li Tsai Interier Design
Designer Chen Wan Chi, Chen Pei Yu
Description(English) Bright afternoon sunshine through the branches and leaves beside the French windows, with breeze wind dancing, result in graceful light and shadow indoors vividly. And, the elegant wood, stone, and artistic paint feature marvelously bring about a pleasant natural beauty. Take advantage of the natural landscaping that integrates with the interior light and shadow as the design theme. And, finish the indoors walls and cabinets with pared-down forms, moreover, combine with low Chroma elements such as whitewashed solid wood veneers, white spray lacquer, and cool-toned hardware excellently bring out the aesthetics of flowing light.
Description(Native) 以綠意盎然的天然窗景,結合室內光影相呼應作為序,屋內壁面、櫃體僅以簡潔的線條修飾,搭配洗白實木皮、白色噴漆及冷調金屬等低彩度建材,充分凸顯光影流動帶來的生活美感。 考量從事數位教育工作的業主,需時常居家辦公,且十分重視家庭互動,因此將共用的客、餐廳與閱讀空間,安排在父母及孩童的臥室之間,不論是觀影、用餐等一般活動,抑或讀書學習、遠端備課、授課等特殊需求,皆可於開放式的公領域中獲得滿足,方便家人彼此陪伴。 透過改動主臥室的入口位置,將門片輪廓融入電視牆的線條造型,同時於玄關處圍塑一間獨立儲物室,其外牆設計,有別於常見的隱藏式收納,採用跳脫周圍的灰色噴漆,配上質感復古的玻璃與銅釦拉門,巧妙打造一處兼具美觀與實用性的家中風景。 客廳的電視牆,以白色烤漆板,及側邊的灰大理石機電櫃組成,其上下設置大量櫃體,收納業主工作用的教材,櫃面則施作紋理輕淺的粉色藝術塗料,襯托唯美的斑斑光影;此處的軟裝搭配,藉由灰綠色窗簾,對比窗外濃重的綠意,並擺放一座暖色沙發,跳脫整體的輕柔用色,豐富空間層次。 相較於機能豐富的公領域,臥室作為純粹的休憩之地,採用更為輕柔的色彩,而隱藏於床鋪側牆內的衣帽間,也僅以溫和的暖光,輔以衣櫃內的燈帶照明,營造簡約舒心的氛圍。
Website www.litsaidesign.com.tw
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