


Frames Views

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation KAH Design Studio
Description(English) The outstanding criteria for the landscapes are available with the advantage of facing the park outside the window directly, while the continuous windows also allowed for the ingenious idea where the door to the master bedroom is also by the windows. The foyer applied a grey tone with a large area of wood flooring for the definition of the border, which also corresponds to the beams and air-conditioning facility concealed on the top, while the partial drop in the height of the wood ceiling creates a 3D frame main vision for the television wall.
Description(Native) 得利於窗外直面公園,景觀條件優越,盡可能釋出的窗景連續面,也促成主臥室房門特地貼窗進出的巧思。玄關進向以灰階踏面與大範圍木地板劃界,同時對應上方因蔽樑、隱藏空調設備等目的;採局部下降的木質天花板,順勢為電視牆創造立體框景般的主視覺。 客、餐之間刻意不多修飾的結構柱、自客浴外移獨立設置的屏風式洗手檯暨茶水區、沙發背牆下緣與洗手檯量體;或內退或缺角的偽支撐造型、兩間次臥的圓拱房門等,都是公領域各擁主題的設計亮點,隨時隨地為使用者、使用過程,憑添新穎有趣的感官體驗。 主臥室融入大量暖木調,以便時刻與窗外的綠親密對話。兩間次臥室分別以暗酒紅、古典灰綠作為重點色,型塑空間專屬鮮明性格,特別是其一多段銜接的立體連續圓弧天花板作工繁複,而圓、弧語彙特有的流暢與浪漫感,無形中也為居宅注入迷人異國風韻。
Website www.facebook.com/kahdesignco
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  1. Continuum and Serenity

  2. Xiao Bing Chih Project X Live Tour Stage Design

  3. Radiance Hong Kong Palace Museum Exhibition

  4. Gloaming Inspiration

  5. Treasure of Spring


  7. Ethereal Woodland

  8. Yiwu Peach Blossom Land Villa


  10. Tranquility Grey

  11. New Chinese Moon Series Interior Design

  12. Art Toy Cafe

  13. The mystery of flowers

  14. A Realm of Tranquility

  15. The Vintage

  16. Porcelain Art Gallery

  17. Wave House

  18. Miller

  19. Grayscale

  20. White Office

  21. Yancheng Omnijoi International Cinema

  22. Jinan cultural and archives center library

  23. Bijou

  24. project JB

  25. Catlike

  26. Frames Views

  27. Visions of Light

  28. White Folded Lines

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