



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Purity Design
Designer Zhen Wei Chen, You Tung Lo
Description(English) Glass sliding doors are introduced into the slender floor plan, immersing the once dark and mundane apartment in daylight, providing a fitting background to glass display cases housing the owner's cherished collections. Now illuminated on three sides, the apartment feels warm and cozy. The occupants can now enjoy generous natural light by the windows. In keeping with the graduated grey tones of the spaces, light grey is the preferred choice for furnishing, which is foiled with light and shadow and textures to give the spaces varying levels of saturation, endowing them with layered drama.
Description(Native) 本案為台北市區的一棟三十年老公寓,空間中揉入玻璃、木紋、水泥與石材等材質的紋理,以自然脈絡疊加日光軌跡,展開灰階漸變層次,加強映現空間的輪廓,使空間從既定的老舊印象中油然蛻變,注入新生。 長型老屋原本陰暗無味的輪廓,藉由導入玻璃拉門的光透特性,結合屋主珍藏品的玻璃陳列櫃,串起三面煦煦光流,將日光引入居所,空間中藉著光挹注了一抹溫煦舒適氛圍。於窗邊、於光邊,或臥、或伏,居者能於其間自然地沐浴於光中。 承接空間中不同濃度的灰,家具主要選用淺灰色系,佐以光與影及其他材質的點綴,賦予空間不同的彩度,在井然有序的色階中,跳脫出不同層次的變化。 在這喧鬧的台北街頭,「灰階」以獨有的靜謐及溫潤的氛圍,承接住居者鮮明的個性,形塑出獨有的空間調性。
Website pd-lf.com
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  1. Continuum and Serenity

  2. Xiao Bing Chih Project X Live Tour Stage Design

  3. Radiance Hong Kong Palace Museum Exhibition

  4. Gloaming Inspiration

  5. Treasure of Spring


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  8. Yiwu Peach Blossom Land Villa


  10. Tranquility Grey

  11. New Chinese Moon Series Interior Design

  12. Art Toy Cafe

  13. The mystery of flowers

  14. A Realm of Tranquility

  15. The Vintage

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  17. Wave House

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  19. Grayscale

  20. White Office

  21. Yancheng Omnijoi International Cinema

  22. Jinan cultural and archives center library

  23. Bijou

  24. project JB

  25. Catlike

  26. Frames Views

  27. Visions of Light

  28. White Folded Lines

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