

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation OXDesign Studio
Designer Lin Chien Ju
Description(English) This project situates at the cross corner of the hustle-bustle streets, which brings immeasurable business opportunities. We utilize faux marble tiles and weatherproof aluminum plastic composite sheets to finish the exterior appearance of the white building. And build the structure with edges and corners to correspond to the shape of tiles, skillfully creating an exceptional, modern, enchanted display center. We also arrange display windows on both sides to set off the interior exhibits and the exterior landscaping with each other, successfully attracting pedestrians to stop by and beautifying the street scenes.
Description(Native) 此案座落於三角窗地帶,因此將出入口設置於街道交界處,周邊往來的人潮皆匯集於此,帶來無限商機;通體潔白的建築獨立在周圍大地色樓幢之中,以石紋磁磚為基底,搭配能適應日曬雨淋等氣候變化的白色塑鋁板,採用稜線型設計,呼應磁磚稜角方框的外型,一座別具現代藝術氣息的展示中心躍然眼前,其側邊規劃落地櫥窗與座位區,讓室內展品和戶外林蔭相互交織,吸引行人留步欣賞,同時美化街景。 考量展場內已有豐富的磁磚,因此在門面規劃上特別選用他種素材,以堅硬冷冽的鐵件作為櫃台,將建築的稜角外觀延伸入內,刻畫線條剛硬的斜角造型,搭配後方溫潤的木質櫃體與暖光吊燈,平衡整體建材溫度,足下的深色地坪則展現沉穩氛圍,讓顧客入室後如有歸宅之感。 流暢動線為空間規劃首要考量,以中央展示區為十字中心作放射,前後分別通往接待大廳與大板區、活動拉板區,左右則可至辦公室和廊道櫥窗,並以店內磁磚作為各區域之立面,讓參觀者可先隨性瀏覽,再依需求與服務人員就地討論,或直入大板區及活動拉板區,一覽百種商品;細心規劃動線之餘,也考慮整體視覺比例,僅在入口接待大廳區裝設天花板,後方展示區則保留原始挑高結構,形塑逐漸開闊的視野。 因應店內產品需要時常更換,展示層板以卡榫裝置方便拆解,增添作業便利性與機動性,此外,大板區特別設置井字格鐵架與軌道,除了利於拆卸移動,無論何種形體、尺寸、種類的磚板皆可陳設,展現多元靈活的鋪排手法。
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  1. Continuum and Serenity

  2. Xiao Bing Chih Project X Live Tour Stage Design

  3. Radiance Hong Kong Palace Museum Exhibition

  4. Gloaming Inspiration

  5. Treasure of Spring


  7. Ethereal Woodland

  8. Yiwu Peach Blossom Land Villa


  10. Tranquility Grey

  11. New Chinese Moon Series Interior Design

  12. Art Toy Cafe

  13. The mystery of flowers

  14. A Realm of Tranquility

  15. The Vintage

  16. Porcelain Art Gallery

  17. Wave House

  18. Miller

  19. Grayscale

  20. White Office

  21. Yancheng Omnijoi International Cinema

  22. Jinan cultural and archives center library

  23. Bijou

  24. project JB

  25. Catlike

  26. Frames Views

  27. Visions of Light

  28. White Folded Lines

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