



Extra Form
Country Indonesia
Year 2023
Client Marsa17 Group Co., Ltd.
Affiliation PT Marsa Andreo Desain Co., Ltd.
Designer Faldo Andreo
Description(English) MARSA HQ is the office headquarter of Marsa17 Group, located at Surabaya, Indonesia. Designed to be the central hub of the corporation's businesses and leaders of the companies under the group at national-scale. While designed as a featured-pack visionary work space, the designer confronts a solid artistic concept in both architecture and interior elements. Thus, a blend of minimalism luxury and farsighted neo-futurism creates a unique atmosphere for employees, even guests. Greeted by the swift arc-lines on facade that spreading-out to every corner, it addresses unbound-able spirit to reach wider corporate goals.
Description(Native) MARSA HQ adalah kantor pusat dari grup MARSA17, berlokasi di Surabaya, Indonesia. Didesain sebagai pusat perusahaan dan pimpinan di bawah Grup Perusahaan secara nasional. Walaupun didesain secara tempat kerja berfasilitas-penuh bervisi, desainer mengemukakan konsep seni solid pada elemen arsitektur dan interior. Alhasil, gabungan antara kemewahan minimalis dan pola-pikir panjang neo-futuris membuat atmosfir unik bagi karyawan, termasuk tamu. Disambut oleh garis-lengkung facade meluas ke semua ujung, menggambarkan semangat yang tak terbendung untuk mencapai misi perusahaan yang lebih luas.
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  1. Continuum and Serenity

  2. Xiao Bing Chih Project X Live Tour Stage Design

  3. Radiance Hong Kong Palace Museum Exhibition

  4. Gloaming Inspiration

  5. Treasure of Spring


  7. Ethereal Woodland

  8. Yiwu Peach Blossom Land Villa


  10. Tranquility Grey

  11. New Chinese Moon Series Interior Design

  12. Art Toy Cafe

  13. The mystery of flowers

  14. A Realm of Tranquility

  15. The Vintage

  16. Porcelain Art Gallery

  17. Wave House

  18. Miller

  19. Grayscale

  20. White Office

  21. Yancheng Omnijoi International Cinema

  22. Jinan cultural and archives center library

  23. Bijou

  24. project JB

  25. Catlike

  26. Frames Views

  27. Visions of Light

  28. White Folded Lines

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