

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Hank Lin
Designer Hank Lin
Description(English) The space has a Japanese style and is separated by a dynamic grid wall that connects through light strips. The main wall integrates the three-axis movement line of three entrances and exits along the vertical axis. The living room and kitchen space are connected by a stylish fireplace, and the dining area is centered around a central island bar and a six-person dining table. The private areas are separated by a grid door, and the Japanese-style hot spring room can also be used as a study or guest room. All the details make a unique ritual of daily life and living feast.
Description(Native) 開放式的公領域,客廳與餐廚空間一氣呵成;藉著磨石子地坪、金屬飾條和木地板的搭接,隱性地區分場域。大面落地窗將屋外蓊鬱翠綠的綿延山景、氤氳霧靄的地熱谷風情皆納擁入室,讓低彩度的室內主色調與戶外豐沛的自然景色相搭配,創造水墨畫般層次、肌理豐富的效果。 客廳與餐廚空間以一個時尚火爐為中介,既界定機能場域,又能強化兩者間的聯通性。餐廚空間以中島吧檯及六人座餐桌為核心,開放式廚房規劃,讓屋主下廚時能綜觀屋內全局,也可欣賞戶外絕美景色。此外,材料的選用上亦考量必要的耐候性,抗酸鹼的鋼琴烤漆表面亦投射了窗外風景;仿石材大板磚不僅易於維養,紋理也與室外裊裊炊煙相互呼應。 公私領域之間以格柵門區隔,結合霧面茶玻襯底,營造出若隱若現的視覺效果,底部線性隱藏燈帶,形塑出漂浮的輕盈感。日式多功能泡湯區,具備特有的穿透感,泡湯之外亦可作為書房或客房使用。考量當地青磺泉具高腐蝕性的特色,湯池設計選用抗酸鹼、抗潮濕的材料,浴池預先施作七層防水、搭配科技纖維的榻榻米地板,讓特有的日式泡湯情懷成為日常起居的儀式感,創造獨一無二的生活饗宴。
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