

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation BIN LIVE Co., Ltd.
Designer BIN LIVE
Description(English) The stage design of Project X concert combines various multimedia elements such as LED screens, lighting, and suspended trusses with servo motors, allowing the "X" symbol to appear not only on a single plane but in different forms when viewed from a top view, front view, overhead view, and from both left and right perspectives in three-dimensional space. Additionally, a laser film pyramid device is incorporated to reflect all the stage lights, symbolizing the singer's infinite possibilities.
Description(Native) 「Project X」演唱會舞台設計以「X、無限」為主題。透過多種複合媒材交互搭配,使「X」符號在演唱會中,不只在單一平面上出現,在立體空間中上視、正視、仰視、左右視角都能以不同形式被看見。 兩道延伸舞台結合成一座X型長廊,並以LED屏包覆;同時,平行的正上方空中懸吊一座同樣尺寸的X型裝置,由LED屏與燈光組成。兩座X型裝置之間再以十二條點控燈柱連接,創造更多垂直空間的視覺變化與延展性。而另一組在空中以伺服馬達控制的口字型燈光truss,前後傾斜降下時,創造了更多變的「X」符號視覺。 舞台背景為兩面相互垂直的LED牆,並在兩面LED交界處前方,設置兩座金字塔裝置,一座在台面中央,另一座顛倒懸掛於正上方空中。兩座對稱的金字塔在視覺上遮擋背景LED牆的上下兩塊三角形區域,讓觀眾於正面觀看時,看見另一種X型視覺效果。 此外,兩座金字塔內,崁入多組三角形壓克力板並於內外側包覆雷射膜,使裝置可以對舞台光線創造無限的反射與折射,象徵歌手的無限可能性,並散發耀眼的光芒。舞台金字塔後方,另外設置一座升降機關,讓歌手隨著機關升起而站上金字塔頂端,以展現蕭秉治將持續挑戰自我的精神,站上更高的巔峰。
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  1. Continuum and Serenity

  2. Xiao Bing Chih Project X Live Tour Stage Design

  3. Radiance Hong Kong Palace Museum Exhibition

  4. Gloaming Inspiration

  5. Treasure of Spring


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  8. Yiwu Peach Blossom Land Villa


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  11. New Chinese Moon Series Interior Design

  12. Art Toy Cafe

  13. The mystery of flowers

  14. A Realm of Tranquility

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  22. Jinan cultural and archives center library

  23. Bijou

  24. project JB

  25. Catlike

  26. Frames Views

  27. Visions of Light

  28. White Folded Lines

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