



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation CTO Design Co., Ltd.
Designer Kenneth Lee
Description(English) Every arc and corner adopts use of volumes, screens and movable partitions to redefine areas. Deconstruction is used to free up the space volume. Design of ceilings, floors and facades enables the flowing look. The ingenuity of using uniform colors also blurs the boundaries to bring out the lightness of the space. The 6.5-meter corridor connecting the guest room and the living room is shown in three different heights based on the functions. The most striking object in the space is the rotating TV partitioning screen that combines the partitioning screen and the TV wall. The ingenuity is also fully shown in the open guest room area.
Description(Native) 劃出一條蜿蜒的河流,串聯起稱為『家』的流域,以「長廊」、「虛實交錯」以及「3個回字動線」,創造出最寬廣的居家活動範圍,也充滿大量的互動機能! 重塑空間的布局,靈感來自河流的蜿蜒和流動,以每一個弧線、每一處轉角串聯整體,運用量體、格屏、可移動隔間重新定義場域;手法上採解構的方式減輕空間量體,搭配天花、地板、立面的設計流轉視覺,色彩一致化的巧思也模糊了格局,讓空間充滿行雲流水的輕透感。 空間中最引人注目的即是結合屏風與電視牆的『旋轉式電視屏風』,經過縝密計算公共空間距離、量身打造的電視屏風,65吋電視鑲嵌其中,這個裝飾兼具玄關隔屏、電視牆、主機機櫃、美型於一身,與地坪、中島的弧線相呼應,以五金、鐵件、木作、磁鐵等打造出180度的旋轉機能,滿足希望在各空間都能看到電視的屋主! 由回字的『旋轉式電視屏風』延伸,中島設計、窗台邊的書桌,皆是回字設計的巧思,這樣的趣味亦在開放式客房空間表露無遺。由虛實收納櫃和2道拉門圍塑成的客房,既是客廳的一部分,拉門關起後,就是獨立的空間,以圓弧線條和層板穿透感弱化了這個量體的存在感,帶來的是自由穿梭的洄遊意趣。
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