



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation ACG Design International
Designer George PC Kao, Monica Tsai
Description(English) Firstly, the space is divided into two, defining the smoothness of each area and path and controlling the introduction and flow of natural lighting. Secondly, with minimalism, the spatial concept is transformed into a simple and modern one. The grayscale, concealed doors, and cabinets combine functionality and aesthetics and create visual consistency to form an ideal aesthetic space. The interior is made of heterogeneous grayscale, supplemented by linear lighting, and changing textures to present an unconventional, extended, and spacious view from far to near.
Description(Native) “家”的概念可定義為人與物、地方、事件或回憶之間持續依存和和諧連接的狀態,這些元素為人們提供舒適和快樂。家的建造不是由設計師創建的,而是來自於對象的預先存在的連接和內部質地。首先間空間一分為二,界定空間領域與路徑轉折的流暢度,並在適切的光影變化中,掌握自然光感的引入與流轉,其次透過減法設計的概念,試圖將豐富的空間構思化為簡潔俐落的現代語彙──灰階調性、暗門配置、以櫃界區等手法,將機能與美感結合,化解傳統上繁冗的生活機能配備,提升場域在視覺上的一致性,進而為使用者打造出心中理想的美感場域。整體採用同調異材質的灰階調性,輔以線性燈調,紋理變化,在漸次鋪敘的調和中,由遠至近,讓視覺得以跳脫制式,享受延伸通透的景貌。同時,開放式的空間規劃讓它像是一個美術廊,更甚是展場,不僅彰顯了品味,更「展演」了生活的每分每秒!
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