

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation RIS Collective
Designer Weng Hsin Ting
Description(English) As a wine cellar instead of a typical bar, this project's interior design incorporates winemaking undertones via massive local material integrations. The fire-brick cladding on the outer layer of the insulation wall alludes to how wine cellars in Burgundy, France maintain temperature and humidity. Upstairs, the service station features a combination of brass and rusty steelworks inspired by the still, the apparatus used for distilling whisky. This provides a centralizing and moderate distance to serve customers. The arc motif is frequently found in the elevation details throughout the space, promoting a cohesive corporate image.
Description(Native) 空間如酒,從第一道製程開始,每一環節皆會影響最終風味。本案基地為二面落地窗的矩型格局,先將機能界定:能容量2000隻的藏酒、操作平台、備餐區及辦公空間,其餘空間皆留予使用者。座位區每組型式皆為不同,提供因不同目的需求的品酒者。 業者的定位為「酒窖」非為酒吧,想像如同勃根地酒窖一般,為維持一定的溫度及濕度,1F以台灣在地普遍的火頭磚,搭建隔間保溫材料的最外層包裹,即便大量的陽光進入,特殊紋理處理的塗料好似附著在空間中可見的濕度。轉化對傳統貼花窗的印象,門面內結合能與客戶產生互動的櫥窗展櫃,讓客戶舒適的在沙發上選購,拋光面不鏽鋼及玻璃層架營造的輕盈感,由外部觀看好似酒瓶飄浮,與由品牌CI識別系統發展的立面窗花和協的搭配,天花巨型的球體好似搖晃酒杯醒酒時滴落的酒液,呼應酒體的流動感。 2F為販售威士忌的空間,由製程中影響風味的關鍵--蒸餾桶,以隨時間鏽化的鐵材做外層、內層為沉積岩石皮包覆,,做為中心出發的動線創造與每組客人保持最佳的服務距離。為營造如主要產地的英式風格,利用燈光將材料的表情做最戲劇性的彰顯,形體以弧線連續、材料以自然氧化的黃銅為連貫,自LOGO、吧檯立面、指標系統及細部五金皆可見至,貫徹業主初心的期許。 樓層的過度空間中,則以蛇紋石元素延伸,仿石材拼花地板由室內至廁所地坪,以不同的材料但相同的手法創造出同樣的拼花效果,儘管廁所範圍不大仍以地坪變化示意出機能區分如廁及洗手檯區域,簡化古典元素並保有與外部空間的呼應。
Website ris-interior.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design is praised for transforming a wine cellar with local materials and winemaking elements. Fire-brick cladding and brass and rusty steelworks evoke Burgundy wine cellars and whisky distilling apparatus. The cohesive arc motif and thoughtful layout enhance the customer experience. This innovative approach earned it the Winner title, celebrating its blend of functionality and thematic depth.
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  1. Forest


  3. Moonlight at night

  4. Feast of Natural

  5. POCN Portuguese Chinese Fusion Restaurant

  6. Deconstructing Shadows with Light and Color

  7. Cat Daily

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  12. Mountain Impression

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  19. Yorokonde

  20. Light with color

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  23. Lift Off and Fly Higher

  24. Impulse

  25. Zen breeze in treehouse

  26. Origin NO1

  27. IDTECH

  28. Streamlight Residence

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