

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Moore Design
Designer Li Yi Jen
Description(English) This case is an exclusive rest place of the male host, with three or five friends, watching the ball game, tasting wine together, a "big boys" exclusive space. Without too much decoration, and with the least processing, natural materials, the space returns to the original and nature, in order to facilitate friends to meet, the moving line is zero dead angle of full open pattern.The warm wood dining table in dining room, the low-back olive arc sofa in living room, the dim indirect light source, and the increasingly deep rust traces of laminate and display cabinets all balance cool and warm colors in the space.
Description(Native) 入內後動線安排以「聚」為主軸,格局採全開放式公領域設計,廚房、客廳、餐廳比重安排相當,形成三角式動線,廚房與客、餐廳對望,讓動線及視線自然交匯,聚會交流無死角。原有的三房調整為簡單的兩房,提供臨時的休憩需求,滿足男主人對於秘密基地的期待。天地壁的色彩與材質運用,以灰色、水泥、混凝土、生鐵、深色木質等冷色調為主,因此,設計師在每處主空間使用一大型量體平衡空間冷冽陽剛的調性,例如:使用茶色玻璃磚屏風區隔廚房與玄關 ; 橄欖綠弧面低背沙發為客廳帶來童趣及暖意;寬敞的淺色木紋餐桌與展示櫃扁平的銹鐵層板相互平衡。一進門,映入眼前的是一道玻璃磚屏風,若有似無的遮掩著室內空間,待人關上門轉身,擺脫門外的喧囂,彷若走入另一個領域,不僅平衡空間色彩也屏除風水開門見灶雙機能。廚房的石紋中島、水泥地板、流露自然原始的冷冽氛圍,而不鏽鋼收拉櫃、高身櫃,亦能滿足收納需求。餐廳中溫潤的木質餐桌、客廳中低背橄欖綠的弧型沙發、昏黃的間接光源,與日漸加深生鏽痕跡的層板及展示櫃相互平衡空間中的冷暖色調。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design excels by creating an exclusive, natural rest space for social gatherings. Using minimal decoration and natural materials, it emphasizes simplicity and functionality. The warm wood dining table, olive arc sofa, and balanced lighting create an inviting atmosphere. This thoughtful integration of elements earned it the Winner title, celebrating its perfect blend of comfort and elegance for social interaction.
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