


Pers Active Lab

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Client Pers Active Lab Co., Ltd.
Affiliation Triangler Co., Ltd.
Designer Chenhsing Li
Description(English) “Pers Active Lab“ is a professional skincare brand offering customized products with AI scanning solutions. The packaging design features white-painted glass and matte-coated boxes, evoking a clean and laboratory-like ambiance. Angular blocks and laser-like lines embody the value of precision, while sans-serif typography conveys professionalism and efficiency. Each product has distinct colors for specific effects, enhancing the consumer experience with detailed textures.
Description(Native) Pers Active Lab是一個以精準、純粹、高效為品牌定位的專業保養品牌,專注於個人化保養研發,結合AI科技量測消費者膚質及膚況,準確提供符合個人需求的保養產品。 此次我們受委託進行肌膚保養品系列包裝設計,產品採用白色烤漆玻璃罐裝,呈現出乾淨簡潔與專業的感受;外盒使用銅西卡印刷製作,並在品牌LOGO使用燙亮銀、霧膜加工方式品牌LOGO,增加了產品的識別性與質感。 設計上採用直角色塊以及如雷射穿越的直線,讓消費者感受「精準」的品牌核心。此外,字體設計也採用了無襯線字,呈現出俐落與潔淨的感受,凸顯品牌專業與高效的形象。 色彩搭配上,以純淨的白色作為主色調,呼應「純粹、清新」的感受。再依功效設定產品的代表色。如橘色象徵光芒,呼應產品美白透光的功效;紅色代表抗老,呈現高貴高雅的氣質;綠色象徵自然單純解決敏感肌問題;藍色表示保水及保濕。產品包裝設計上重視細節和質感,使消費者在使用產品的過程中享受到高品質的體驗。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments “Pers Active Lab” impresses with its precise, professional packaging design that complements its AI-driven skincare customization. The white-painted glass, matte-coated boxes, and angular blocks evoke a laboratory-like ambiance, while distinct colors and detailed textures enhance user experience. This combination of innovation and aesthetic excellence earned it the Gold Winner title, highlighting its cutting-edge approach to skincare.
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  1. Sculptural modular energy free cooling

  2. Repairer

  3. O N

  4. IRIS

  5. Cleanset

  6. loading and transportation vehicle

  7. FEEL CERTAIN Thermometer

  8. Half note jazz club

  9. G AILAB G Eye Parking Robot

  10. H abyz Gen2 Detector

  11. TinyCase

  12. Original Texture

  13. Cathay Run 2023

  14. DAEGAN

  15. CMF Sample Kit

  16. Pers Active Lab

  17. Thats good enough

  18. ONSUHO

  19. Wellness Support Platform for Immigrant Women

  20. Four Typologies

  21. Lakeside one

  22. Encounter Zipeng Mountain

  23. The Tea Has Turned Red

  24. Safety Expiration date Sticker


  26. My Dear After Cancer Honeymoon Promotion Festival

  27. Equi CPR

  28. Field of Vision

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K设计大奖是由 DESIGNSORI Co., Ltd. 主办并举办,取消了造型的简单性和复杂性,不仅通过优秀的设计实现创意的具体化,并赋予产品创造潜力真正的价值。以这样的目标为基础,期待着由设计者,公司,设计机关及设计工作室推出最佳的设计理念,构成卓越的设计形态,制作出有创意的作品。


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