


Flash Card Reader

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Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation Zebra Education Group (Shenzhen)
Designer Zhuo Chen, Tao Liu, Haichen Zheng
Description(English) The appearance of the product is simple, compact and easy to hold, and it is safer with zero exposed screws. Different from the existing English enlightenment teaching aids that are troublesome to parents or hurt eyes, the form of this product's "flash card + screenless host" allows children to use it more focused and independently. The matching six types of cards are of increasing difficulty, and the usage method is more in line with children's ladder cognitive rules: from sharpening their ears and playing with flash cards, to listening to picture book cards and starting formal reading.
Description(Native) 英语闪卡机旨在激发孩子的阅读兴趣,培养孩子的文本阅读意识;让孩子在使用产品的过程中循序渐进地度过阅读准备期;从英语0基础轻松跨越剑桥少儿英语一级。 主机部分整体尺寸小巧,更适合孩子的小手持握;两侧的圆角曲面与虎口结构更贴合、让手持更加舒适;顶部的瀑布凹槽具有引导作用、让孩子的插卡动作更加简单;结构设计上实现了零螺丝外露,对于孩子来说更加安全。 本产品采用了科学的、适龄的交互方式,并且孩子可以独立使用。现有的英语启蒙产品主要是印刷品和App。印刷品(单词卡或传统教材)孩子无法独立使用,需要家长在旁边实时教导;而App类产品则需要手机或者平板电脑作为载体进行使用,比较伤眼。所以英语闪卡机选择了更加适合孩子的配置:闪卡+无屏主机。产品交互简单直观:插卡-自动播放卡片内容;插卡状态按圆形按钮-重播卡片内容;无卡状态按圆形按钮-随机播放英文儿歌。孩子可以更独立更专注的独自使用,无需家长的时刻陪伴及引导。同时,产品的主机外观设计克制,趣味性的形象和图形设计均运用在了题卡内容部分,这样可以让孩子更专注于卡片内容,提高学习效率 产品的闪卡即插即读功能既保证了操作的便利性,同时实现了护眼的功能。配套的六大类型卡片(英文词汇卡、英文字母卡、韵律童谣卡、双语故事卡、亲子指令卡、英文绘本卡)难度依次递增,使用方法也更符合孩子的阶梯认知规律:从磨耳朵、玩闪卡,到听绘本卡和开始正式的阅读。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The product’s simple, compact design ensures easy handling and safety with zero exposed screws. Unlike traditional English teaching aids, it combines "flash card + screenless host" for focused, independent use by children. The six card types, increasing in difficulty, align with children's cognitive development: from listening and playing with flash cards to engaging with picture book cards and beginning formal reading. This design received high praise for its innovative approach to early childhood education and child-friendly usability.
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