



Extra Form
Country Taiwan
Year 2019
Affiliation PINHAU
Description(English) This is a design for independent beer brand restaurant of Taiwan. We're using a lots of iron fitting and the good image of the brand to create new visual experiences where you can see at entrance and bar counter. We're using innovative patchwork combination and geometry to create a flat full with sense of multi-level by 2.5D. As a famous chain brand restaurant, we want to bring a new experience to our customers by the perfect combination of modern element and old brand.
Description(Native) 線條 x 材質 x 翻轉 於進門前形象牆藉由鐵件面的堆疊、線性的切割 而達到完美對應的視覺平衡。 從起初鐵件剛硬的特性表現出粗獷韻味, 讓人還未進到店面就有眼睛一亮,強烈印象的感覺。 再走進室內看見,對比強烈的風格及材料豐富的搭配, 弧形的地板切割,帶進暖性元素木質調的溫和與樂土的沉穩 平衡了起初鐵件給人的冰冷感。 牆面樂土融入酒瓶玩轉一般牆面的多樣獨特性, 更點亮了空間的生氣靈魂,打造出充滿幻想與張力的特色空間。 而另一個空間焦點則是天花板,使用鐵管特意拉高拉低, 增加空間趣味性及活潑視覺效果, 轉至用餐區域,S型活動皮革沙發可任顧客, 針對不同需求自創出派對空間,形成強烈的翻轉空間印象。 照明規劃上特別以可調節明亮的吊燈,藉由聚焦式的燈光, 襯托食物美味的香氣,亦增加用餐氣氛。
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  1. Circle

  2. Translucent Harmony

  3. HEY BIRD Coffee

  4. Oukikyo

  5. Leshan Sales Center

  6. Hyperiôn

  7. 行舟

  8. Childhood Memories.

  9. Dust Mite Controller


  11. Let's Eat!

  12. 迷宫茶漏壶 teapot

  13. Zhe Gu Tea

  14. Microflat X

  15. LE BLE D'OR

  16. Illusion

  17. Measuring faucet

  18. Coexistence

  19. Sense of Belonging

  20. City Magic Cube

  21. ERC CAFE

  22. The Fortune Bridge

  23. Shiun shabu shabu

  24. Narrative / Stacking

  25. Grid-y

  26. Twelve-swing Donut

  27. Immaterial fins

  28. JAFF

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Designed by sketchbooks.co.kr / sketchbook5 board skin

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