


Just One Press

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Beijing City University
Designer Xin Guo, Boyang Hu, Yuxuan Liu, Jiayi Xu
Description(English) This design abandons the traditional screwing method of the bulb. When replacing a traditional light bulb, people must first align the connector, and then screw it in the direction of the thread. The cumbersome installation method not only consumes time, but also causes the user to have a sore arm because of maintaining a posture for a long time. Therefore, this design adopts the pressing method of the ballpoint pen, which makes the replacement and placement of the bulb easy and fast.
Description(Native) 此设计摒弃了传统灯泡的旋拧方式,将圆珠笔的按压结构与灯泡的安装方式相结合,使取下灯泡及安装灯泡的流程变得更加轻松、快速及省力。市面上人们使用的传统灯泡,安装时需要先对准接口,再顺着螺纹的方向拧进去,直到螺纹全部卡住为止;取下灯泡时需要反方向旋转灯泡直至灯泡螺纹与灯座螺纹全部脱离才能取下。灯泡繁琐的安装及拆卸方式不但耗费时间,使用者还会因为长时间保持一个姿势而胳膊酸痛,安装灯泡时用力过度还容易造成灯泡及灯座的损坏,如滑丝情况及灯泡破碎造成触电等情况,不仅会造成物资损失甚至危及生命安全。因此本次设计采用圆珠笔的按压方式,使得灯泡更换放式变得简单快速,只需要将灯泡直接推入灯座中,灯泡顶部的结构就会触发打开将灯泡卡在灯座上;取下灯泡时也只需向上顶一下灯泡即可收起锁住结构,灯泡可以轻松取下。
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  18. The world rescue

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  26. HOBZ

  27. SH-Hero Pen Box (1)

  28. T. um

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