


Half arc watch

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Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation None
Designer Xin Min in, jia li Yuan, FengZhang, FengLi, ZiyuYe
Description(English) The fast-paced lifestyle makes people more sensitive to time. A fast-paced lifestyle can cause people to live in a stressful mental state. We redesigned the watches pointer and speed, it is to emphasize the true meaning of time and ease people's nerves. This is a way of representing the course of a day in terms of fuzzy time. In addition, the user can read and pick out 2 exact time points in one day, When the half-arc pointer rotates to the starting state, it means the end of the day. It means that things are developing halfway through the day When the half-arc pointer is turned end to start.
Description(Native) 随着经济与科技的发展,大都市中常常呈现一种快节奏的生活方式。当快节奏的生活方式充斥着人们生活,人们便对时间这一概念变得更加敏感,往往对时间的要求特别高,这样会使人们始终生活在一种紧张的精神状态中。为了缓解人们这一情绪,我们重新设计了手表的指针和转速,利用模糊时间的概念来表现时间的进程,改变人们传统思维中的时间概念,从而强调时间真正的意义。在功能上,使用者在一天内可以读取出2个准确的时间点,当半弧指针转动至起始状态时意味着一天的结束;当半弧指针转动至首尾相连时意味着一天中事物的发展进行了一半。在装饰上,用户可以根据自己的喜好佩戴不同颜色的表带,在技术上,指针采用磁悬浮技术为了让半弧指针更稳定的转动。
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