

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology
Designer su zhi rong, zhao xiang zhi
Description(English) Go is a kind of board game originated from China with only black and white pieces. This design changes the chess pieces into an embedded three-sided rotating body. The three sides are black, white and the color of chessboard. Change the color by rotating with your fingers. Moreover, the metal block is embedded in the middle of black and white. At the end of the game, swing the chessboard hard to make the metal block face down (the color side of the chessboard faces up), quickly recover and start the next game without clearing up one by one.
Description(Native) 围棋是一种起源于中国的只有黑白两种棋子的棋盘游戏。此围棋改良设计将棋子改为内嵌式三面旋转体。三面分别为:黑色、白色、棋盘的颜色。通过手指拨动旋转来改变颜色,更加快速有趣。 而且在黑色白色中间嵌入金属配重块,游戏结束时,用力甩动棋盘,使金属块朝下,让全部三面体旋转到棋盘颜色朝上的状态,快速复原开始下一局,不用一颗一颗地收拾,减少了将棋盘上黑色棋子和白色棋子一颗一颗挑出的麻烦,让玩围棋有了全新的快速体验,同时不削弱围棋的仪式感。 整个棋盘可以拆分为四个模块,可以堆叠到一起,方便携带和收纳。下围棋时将四个模块通过磁吸拼合到一起形成一个完整的棋盘。 一旁地滑块用于记录吞噬地棋子数量,准确记录围棋点目。
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  1. Seeking Deer

  2. Flying

  3. City of Light

  4. Sunac Sanctuary Bay Center

  5. Fluid Space

  6. Chang Liang

  7. Bud

  8. Warm

  9. CALDO

  10. Funny children's mask

  11. Moisture-humidifier

  12. S.S.S:spine support system

  13. Bau Type

  14. SCNU Gift

  15. CACTUS

  16. PIBU

  17. twig

  18. The Bataizi Bell Tower

  19. Rolling Studio

  20. Breeze In

  21. Three-sided rotating Go chess

  22. NOTORY

  23. Protective color

  24. CSAC

  25. OROT

  26. Purisense & PuriPuri


  28. HEYTEA Store

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Designed by sketchbooks.co.kr / sketchbook5 board skin

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