

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation Tainan University of Technology
Designer 盧奕辰 Lu,Yi-Chen, 陳詩鍊 Chen,Shih-Lian, 楊淳智 Yang,Chun-Zhi, 張豈華 Chang,Chi-Hua
Description(English) We hope that prevention can be better than treatment to avoid long-term injuries. Design, using a spring-tensioned device, which can be adjusted according to different body types, so that the weight of the wearing device will not be too heavy, and the bright orange, white, and black colors make the device attractive. The bionic design makes the wearer feel like There is a second spine to protect the body, and the use of the fishing principle to store the contraction spring in the wrong posture can limit the restrictions to avoid injuries to the spine during the transitional use of the body.
Description(Native) 現代的許多人時常因求快速、便捷的工作效率而忽略了姿勢上的使用不良以及過度使用腰與脊椎,且在造成身體傷害後的治療漫長並十分難以完全康復,因此我們希望能夠以預防勝於治療的方式來避免長久性傷害的產生。為此設計主要採以彷外骨骼的設計、放入使用了彈簧拉力的裝置、可以依照身型不同來去做調整的機構,讓整體穿戴裝置的重量不會太過於沉重,配色主要以鮮明的橘白黑配色為主,使裝置的穿戴注目性佳,彷生的設計讓穿戴者如同擁有第二條脊椎保護身體,整體機構運用了類似釣魚竿拉線的原理將收縮彈簧的機構收納在裝置裡並且在使用錯誤姿勢或者是在姿勢過大時能夠即時的來限制使用者的行動來避免身體與脊椎過度的使用受到而傷害,從而達到防護的效果。
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  1. Seeking Deer

  2. Flying

  3. City of Light

  4. Sunac Sanctuary Bay Center

  5. Fluid Space

  6. Chang Liang

  7. Bud

  8. Warm

  9. CALDO

  10. Funny children's mask

  11. Moisture-humidifier

  12. S.S.S:spine support system

  13. Bau Type

  14. SCNU Gift

  15. CACTUS

  16. PIBU

  17. twig

  18. The Bataizi Bell Tower

  19. Rolling Studio

  20. Breeze In

  21. Three-sided rotating Go chess

  22. NOTORY

  23. Protective color

  24. CSAC

  25. OROT

  26. Purisense & PuriPuri


  28. HEYTEA Store

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