

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2022
Affiliation Harford Manufacturing Limited
Designer Ho Lam Wu
Description(English) Broccoli, as the first in the industry to use shell powder coating, can effectively kill harmful bacteria such as escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus, etc., with an antibacterial rate of over 98%, ensuring a healthy daily diet of users. With the expandable and assemble design with the detachable handles, it takes less storage space than a 16-inch MacBook Pro, and it allows end users to switch between long and side handle as per the actual need. In addition, the stackable design not only saves storage within kitchen, but also reduces the transportation and storage costs. Its unique lightweight design makes stir-frying easy.
Description(Native) 适用范围广,适用于多种炉灶,如电磁炉、燃气炉、电陶炉、电热炉,打消了用户购买时适用性的顾虑;具备焖、炒、炖、煮、蒸、煎、炸多功能,能够完全满足客户烹饪的各种需求且为小户型家庭节省空间,使厨房整洁有序。 收纳锅内部剩余空间充足,可将拆卸的手柄以及配套厨具尽收锅内,最大化地节省包装空间,运输时更合理运用物流资源。 Broccoli采用曲面翻边设计,宽沿锅口全镜面抛光,避免撒漏;锅身采用304不锈钢、纯铝和导磁性430不锈钢,且用摩擦压力机打底成型,传热均匀,保温性较好,可以减少烹饪的时间。由于油温比较均衡,在炒菜的时候不容易出现炒糊的情况,对厨房新手更加友好。透明耐热玻璃制作而成的锅盖(具有低膨胀、抗热震、耐腐蚀等优良性能),用户在使用时能对食物状态了如指掌,制作出一道好的菜肴。 贝壳粉涂层,能够有效杀灭大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等,抑菌率高达98%以上,保证用户日常饮食健康。贝壳粉作为无毒无害的原料,来自于天然的贝壳,其独特的特性吸气转轮除湿、调整水汽均衡保证厨具时刻保持干燥,同时还有助于推进海洋资源循环高效利用。
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