

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation AVEN Interior Design
Designer Wei Chi Chien
Description(English) The designer brings the tiles often used in French decoration into space and lays them in the porch and kitchen. The simple hexagonal tiles of white, grey, and black collage seamlessly blend into the quiet area of the Muji style, injecting low-chroma color blocks and line changes to create a gradual visual effect to highlight the interest, charm, and temperature of the room. The Muji style requires many wooden colors to provide a fresh feeling. The design of the bedside and waist board of the main wall of the master bedroom, the door panel with an imitation wood color system is specially used to present natural charm and retain the woodwork.
Description(Native) 無印風的純粹美感讓人印象深刻,然而在留白比例拿捏容易流於冷調與乏味,而居家需要營造暖意,因此設計師將法式裝修經常使用的花磚帶入空間,鋪設在玄關和廚房,白、灰、黑三色拼貼的簡約六角花磚,無違和地融入無印風格的靜謐空間中,注入低彩度色塊與線條變化,製造層次漸進的視覺效應,以此彰顯居室的意趣與溫度。無印風需要以大量木色鋪陳清新感,然而木作耗時長且費用較高,在主臥主牆床頭腰板的設計,特別採用大量納入溫潤的木色,臥室門片、衛浴木門、衣櫃、床頭板、床邊櫃和木地板,塑造如入自然之境的放鬆境域;女孩房牆面以粉色、淡綠、淡藍的交錯,展現年輕世代的純真活力,白色系的寢具、寢飾與衣櫃則有放大空間之效。呈現自然的韻味,保有木作的質感,同時節省工時與費用,讓整體設計風格更趨完整。餐桌椅的挑選,與餐邊櫃完美契合;冰箱旁規劃的電器櫃和收納櫃,巧妙遮擋天花橫樑;透過溫潤的木色和極簡的線條感,彷彿置身日式咖啡廳。廚房地坪選用與玄關處相同的六角磚,立面特別訂製灰與白的結晶鋼烤玻璃,除了美感,更具備好擦拭的優點;下方廚櫃配置飲水機與洗碗機,並採用感應式水龍頭,智慧家電用品讓生活更加便利。
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