

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation Heliangyi design
Designer Ming Ru Li, Chun Mei Wei
Description(English) By using different materials that have steadiness and simplicity, the overall has delivered a harmonious atmosphere. Low-contrast colors such as black, white, grey, and denim were used as the designing core and were expanded throughout the public area, the staircase, the study, and the master bedroom. The color changes between dark and light have also defined the different functionalities of each area. At last, the rearrangement of the spatial and the outstanding color pairing have created an enlarged visual sense and a maximized space usage.
Description(Native) 空間在挑高5.2米之場域內,擁有樓頂大樑4.6米,鑑於此,本次以揉合基地天然優勢,援引大面自然光源,在弧形工法的使用下,由光影與量體間的錯落分致,體現通透延伸的空間感受,光影變化的天然特性,更融入了整體以黑、白、灰作為主調的簡調空間,展現和諧一致的空間美感。 透過沉穩簡約的異材質搭配,體現同調和諧的空間風貌,採用低彩度的黑色、白色、灰色、深牛仔藍作為空間主調,延展於公領域、階梯、書房到主臥室,透過深淺交錯的色質變化,奠定不同的機能運用,更在材質的選搭上,選擇親膚性佳、溫潤的礦物塗料與木質元素,讓人們於此生活時能感受到富有溫度之場域氛圍。透過格局的重新劃分、色澤細膩的和諧搭配,形塑視覺放大、坪效提升的住屋體驗其次在辦公室與住宅空間合一的空間配置下,不僅能讓工作與家庭時光重疊,更讓屋主即便在繁忙的工作時光間也能因為空間合一,擁有更多家庭成員緊密連結的美好時光。
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