

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2022
Affiliation Dayi Design
Designer Zhou Yi, Chang Jingliang
Description(English) The project is located in the former site of Liu Yong University. How to continue the history and retain the appearance in people's memory and inspire new vitality is the direction of the design team's exploration. In the design of the hall and bar, saibo elements are introduced to pull in the sense of science and technology and the sense of the future, advancing the theme of time and space. The use of modern industrial materials to shape the traditional Chinese style, the continuation of the form and content of the conflict. At the same time, the unified part of the material to grasp the overall harmony, so that the elegant but not messy.
Description(Native) 将原建筑的古木门拆卸,封存于亚克力板之中,并藉由石墩承托,形成屏风状排布于两侧,营造出历史氛围的同时,用间隔和悬浮的方式释放出空气感,与古物件的厚重感彼此抵消,也彼此增长。房顶切割出一道线条,恰似中国书法中的“飞白”,在整体暗色调的空间内更显冲击力,打破沉闷。天窗是根据江阴北纬31度阳光的直射角度而设计,把抽象的时间用具象的光影体现。引一束天光入室,光影划过的轨迹,谱成了一天的旋律,而每一天的流动变幻,又奏出了四季。在厅堂、吧台的设计中引入赛博国风元素,将科技感与未来感拉扯进来,递进时空主题。以使用现代工业材料塑造中式传统造型的方式,延续了形式与内容的冲突感。同时,统一部分用材以把握整体的和谐(如亚克力导光片打造的中式屋檐、亚克力的吧台椅与门廊的亚克力表框统一),做到玲琅而不凌乱。 除了主体光源外,设计中加入红蓝激光霓虹,视觉刺激加持未来感和氛围感,有如置身虚拟场景,在这个功能空间中,与酒精催化出特有的化学反应。《清明上河图》以发光软膜的方式环绕于客坐区,与吧台区的营造的市井气息相呼应,进一步激发来客对市井烟火的古老想象。对于赛博元素,设计师仅借助其形式,并非传递其破坏和毁灭的精神内核。在当下疫情的特殊时期,亦借此案表达对繁华市井的珍视和对未来的美好期待。
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