


Disinfection masks

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Southwest Minzu University
Designer Jia Xu, Guixiang Qin, Haowei Hu
Description(English) In the era of epidemic disease, people's demand for surgical mask has increased greatly, and a large number of waste surgical masks recycle have caused for safety problems.In this design, purple alcohol disinfectant is attached in the package of the surgical mask.The used surgical mask is put back in to the package and the disinfectant sac is broken.When the mask is disinfected, it will be dyed with an irreversible color,which can not only solve the disinfectant problem of the discarded surgical mask but also prevent the criminals from recycling it again.
Description(Native) 当下新型冠状病毒席卷全球,在这个疾病流行的时代,人们对外科口罩的需求量大大的增加,这也导致了大量的废弃外科口罩的回收造成了诸多安全问题,例如对环卫工作者的身体健康产生安全威胁等问题。在本外科口罩的包装设计中,我们将紫色酒精消毒剂附在外科口罩的包装中。在使用时,第一步骤,用户将使用过的外科口罩放回原先的包装中。第二步骤,用户掰开包装内的消毒水囊使口罩消毒并且会染上不可逆的颜色为其打上使用过的标签。第三步骤,用户将消毒并且染色的口罩丢弃到指定地点。这样既解决了废弃的外科口罩的消毒问题,又防止了不法分子的再次回收。大大降低了废弃口罩对环卫工作者的身体伤害同时也能降低当下因口罩物资短缺而滋生的恶劣产业。
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