


OPT WRITE Beginning

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Country China Macau
Year 2023
Affiliation Loksophy Design
Designer Hong Ka Lok, Bob Lei
Description(English) The series of ballpoint pens are made of all aluminum alloy. The pen body is machined in striped pattern to emphasize its simplicity and streamlined shape. It provides a perfect balance in your hand and caps can be easily attached or detached with single hand. Seven section pen ring free replacement collocation, Mix-and-match with different pen rings offer unlimited possibilities to customise your unique pen, which takes the writing experience to the next level. The pen allows you to unleash the power of your mind through words and the weight in your hand. The extra weight of the pen is conducive to hand stabilization and sturdy motion.
Description(Native) "在這個電子科技高速發展的世代,筆已經不單是一件功能性的書寫工具,我們在每次握著筆的時刻,目的除了紀錄,難道不是享受那個感覺比拿著手機更加清晰自由的靈感殿堂嗎?我們是一所品牌設計工作室,設計這支筆的目標是以模組化設計和現代簡約的城市風格,創造兼具機能和時尚的書寫飾品。 這是一件像品牌一樣可以不斷演變,可持續發展的產品, 起點系列是一切的原型。系列原子筆由全鋁合金打造,簡約垂紋筆身為握筆提供絕佳手感,筆身手感平衡好握,筆蓋可單手輕易開合。承襲腕裱度金屬材質,鋁合金表面氧化處理,形造獨具金屬光澤,適合與各種時尚單品穿搭。 七節筆環自由更換搭配,多種筆環打造無限組合可能,讓書寫與個性也能別具一格。筆身配重32g,運筆舒適穩定,能確實感受到筆墨與靈感在同時釋放。 有人說”人生就是一連串的選擇”,所我們希望大家都從這產品中選擇到屬於自己的書寫飾品,陪伴大家成就自己,在面對生活的好奇和恐懼時,可以握得往希望與靈感。嚮往生活的模樣,一切從選擇開始。"
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