

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation Hsin Chen
Designer Hsin Chen
Description(English) The idea of wraparound the drill with EVA material (orange area) to increase its buoyancy was inspired by GoPro’s Floaty case, so that the electric drill can stay in place due to neutral buoyancy, solving the problem of tool sinking. It also reduced the weight of the electric drill underwater making it easier to carry and operate.
Description(Native) 水下工程比陸地工程更複雜。如果工具未妥善存放,水下很容易丟失。我們正在思考如何增加工具的浮力,以及在什麼條件下物體不會沉入水中。在造型上也希望能有別於以往對於電鑽的印象,整體採用更簡潔的風格呈現。將電鑽用EVA材料(橙色區域)包裹起來,以增加其浮力的想法,靈感來自GoPro的浮力外殼。這樣,ASED可以因為中性浮力的原理,即便在未握持的情況下依然能懸浮於水中,解決了工具下沉的問題。同時,它還減輕了電鑽在水下的重量,使得攜帶和操作更加輕便。另外,水下環境的可見度取決於是否有良好的照明。因此,ASED上的LED燈比一般電動鑽頭的LED燈更亮更明顯。並且,它配備了手電筒支架,可以附加一個額外的手電筒。
Website www.behance.net/gallery/166196685/ASED
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