

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Changsha Best Maternal and Infant Products Trading Co.
Designer Xin Wang, Yinao He
Description(English) The product uses advanced two-color integrated molding technology with high elasticity, bite resistance, tear resistance, and no deformation. The baby's lips and gums won't be harmed by the corners' general roundness and softness. The anti-retching arcuate baffle was created specifically to stop the infant from biting into too deep retching or hurting the throat. The structure can avoid suffocation or nose piercing because it does not completely suit the face. To avoid dust and static electricity, the product surface is treated with UV light, so as to avoid hair attaching and is easy to clean.
Description(Native) 产品采用行业领先的双色一体成型技术,具有极佳的弹性,耐咬防撕裂不变形。整体边角圆润柔软,避免宝宝牙龈及口腔损伤。特别设计了弧形防干呕挡板,有效防止宝宝咬入过深干呕或损伤喉咙。不完全贴合面部的结构防止戳到鼻子或窒息的情况。产品表面UV光改质处理,防尘除静电,不易粘毛,方便清洗。免喷涂工艺、无过多加工,从材质到造型带给每一个家庭更安全可靠的产品。 本产品秉承着用户友好的设计理念,于细节之处彰显匠心。中间细两头粗的握把设计符合人体工学,搭配贴心的磨砂防静电工艺,方便宝宝自主抓握,不沾灰不粘毛,减少掉落,更不易滑脱。此外,握把底部设有圆润孔位,可配合防掉链使用,减少家长们的清洗烦恼。 本产品优选材质弹性、拉力较好的食品级德国瓦克液态硅胶材质,更轻便、耐摔,可高温蒸煮、紫外线等多种消毒,啃咬更卫生。其针对宝宝各个萌牙阶段的磨牙需要,创新地设计了不同的硅胶柔软度,30度柔软有弹性适合牙龈敏感的宝贝,50度满足大月份宝宝的啃咬需求,不撕裂有保障。两款按摩头均可任意选择柔软度。安全材质不含双酚A(BPA)/PVC/邻苯二甲酸盐及其他有害物质,无化学物质渗透且可回收,符合环保要求。 本产品选用日月的灵动造型寓意全天候守护宝宝,萌趣可爱的外观搭配鲜亮的配色,重点突出磨牙部分,同时启迪宝宝对色彩的感知能力。整体设计质感细腻,时尚小巧,简洁的日月风格符合极简美学的设计特点。
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