


The Worldly

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation Shanghai University
Designer Cai Jiatong
Description(English) The content of the book uses photography, graphics, painting, and text to record the experiences of traveling to various countries, including folk culture and historical rise and fall. The text includes contemplation and essays, local narratives of joys and sorrows, and the decline of glory; And regional relics and historical background. Simple, natural, authentic, and plain. This is a book that incompletely records the human world from its own perspective, and it is also a common carrier for promoting traditional culture.
Description(Native) 该作品为1026页的书籍设计。书籍内容使用个人摄影、图形创作、手绘及符号文字等形式记录十年间周游各国之所见所感,人间烟火、民俗文化、街头巷尾。文字部分有在旅行间的感悟随笔,有在小憩时听到当地人们诉说的悲欢离合、辉煌衰落;以及各地区名胜古迹及文物的历史脉络介绍。书籍封面为气势磅礴、奔腾不息的中国黄河,封面选用特种纸增强肌理感,书口毛边切割工艺有波涛层次感,文字压凹透明化处理似水渍,书籍整体绵软且厚重,随时间及翻阅次数达到褶皱或变形的视觉效果。想用自己的视角和方法记录我所看到的人间,质朴自然的,真实且无修饰的。这是一本以自己视角不完全记录人间的小书,也是用自己的方式从某种角度弘扬传统文化的普通载体。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This book design received high praise for its comprehensive and authentic documentation of global travel experiences. Utilizing photography, graphics, painting, and text, it captures folk culture, historical narratives, and regional relics. Its simplicity and authenticity offer readers a profound connection to traditional cultures and histories.
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  1. Milkyway



  4. The Monday Burger Club

  5. cuchen Pause Gift Box

  6. Sustainable Rivers


  8. HandYourName

  9. Success and happiness

  10. MODULE AIR Adaptive Fracture Fixation Kit

  11. Shell More Fun


  13. The Worldly

  14. iPICK

  15. Silent Straw

  16. An intoxicating cup

  17. Dstone

  18. Sensory Induction

  19. TurningSpeaker Honk Speed Bumps

  20. KNOB

  21. PLIP

  22. Loofah Porcelain Lamps

  23. WO ROOM Edible Insect Farming Set

  24. Altocumulus Light

  25. Artistic Bosque

  26. IBEX ST

  27. Singapore HDB in Mid Century Modern Style

  28. RhinoCare

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