



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation CLARTE LUNE
Designer Wu Yi Lun
Description(English) The public block from porch, dining room, living room to maintain a font of smooth space, and the sofa behind the extension of a blank hinterland, is the main activity area for children. Such a sense of transparency for parenting families, moms and dads in the daily life busy can have the time to focus on their children's manners. Besides, the overall moving line layout is perpendicular to windows, allowing light to continuously reach deep in space, thus creating a bright and warm space. A design of subtraction is also reflected in this villa, and all straight lines and arcs are necessary to join, maintaining a clean and bright visual sense.
Description(Native) 本住宅運用減法設計,利用簡單兩種材料:木紋、環保無毒漆面,變化出溫暖簡潔的空間氛圍。全室採用系統板材做收納櫃,簡化線條讓育兒家庭更便於收納與清潔,遊戲區的櫃體特別依孩子身高打造,養成收拾習慣。並且,室內所有的視覺與功能設計,都能適應孩子不同的成長階段。曲線與燕麥色系的搭配,襯托著家人間的互動,淺色系看起來溫柔,曲線的圓滑予人自在放鬆的感受,減緩育兒壓力,也讓孩子在有安全感的氣氛中成長。將家的空間變得明亮、舒適、溫馨,使每位家庭成員都能在其中找到歸屬感,創造家人間美好的回憶。育兒家庭所需的大量收納也都融洽整合於壁面,無論玄關、餐櫃、電視牆、親子互動的起居區塊,都能便捷清潔收納,不因此影響開闊的空間視野,同時照料好生活機能,並擁有舒適的空間感。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments Streamlight Residence is highly evaluated for its seamless flow from the porch to the dining and living rooms, creating a spacious and transparent environment ideal for families. The design emphasizes a clear layout that allows natural light to penetrate deeply, fostering a bright and warm atmosphere. The minimalistic approach, with carefully integrated straight lines and arcs, ensures a clean and visually appealing space.
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