


Wedge house

Extra Form
Country Japan
Year 2024
Affiliation syncstudio
Designer Kiyoshi Sugimoto
Description(English) Located at Mt. Satsuki's foothills in Ikeda City, this three-story residence seamlessly integrates with its surroundings, capturing nature's beauty. Its wedge shape minimizes load on retaining walls while maximizing living space. The east and west walls, clad in silver galvanized steel, support cantilevered floors framing views of the southern park. The basement hosts a serene bedroom. The first floor features a bathroom and study overlooking park greenery, while the second floor offers an LDK and sky terrace with views of the Osaka Plain. This home complements Mt. Satsuki's terrain with varied views and spaces on each floor.
Description(Native) 敷地は日本の大阪府池田市五月山のふもと。敷地南側は木々の生い茂る公園に面しており、敷地の半分以上が急勾配の斜面地です。 建蔽率40%の厳しい規制に対して必要面積を満たすため、地上2階木造・地下1階RC造の3階建混構造としています。 古くて背の高い擁壁の上にある敷地であるため、擁壁に負担を掛けないように断面的に地下を最も小さく、階が上がるにつれて大きくなるくさび型の形状にしています。 東西の壁はシルバーのガルバリウム鋼板で仕上げられ、地下からキャンチレバーで跳ね出した床を支えると同時に、南側の景色を切り取る役目を与えています。 地階は斜面に抱かれたような安心感を持った寝室。1階は深い軒越しの公園の緑を借景とした水回りと書斎。2階LDKのスカイテラスからは、大阪平野が一望できる景色が広がります。3層それぞれに違った五月山の斜面地を楽しむ為の家です。
Website syncstudio.jp
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This K-Design Award 2024 Gold Winner is highly praised for its seamless integration with nature. The three-story residence at Mt. Satsuki’s foothills captures the surrounding beauty with its wedge shape, maximizing space and minimizing load on retaining walls. Silver galvanized steel clads the east and west walls, framing views of the southern park. Each floor offers varied perspectives and serene living spaces, perfectly blending architecture with nature.
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  1. Spiritual Home

  2. Ocean Immersion

  3. Aurora

  4. Wedge house

  5. Forest

  6. TansluSphere

  7. cocoda chair

  8. PP Hive


  10. Package design of a herbal food with five aromas

  11. Ultra Light Pacifier

  12. Signal Convex MIRROR of Volvo

  13. Beetle Inspired Biomimetic Charging Pile


  15. Colorful Club by Wine promotion advertisement

  16. MBD ASFA Spotter

  17. Baidu Driving Design System

  18. POSTECH Holdings Leaflet

  19. Tealog Sparkling Iced Tea

  20. Hairdryer S1

  21. Moonlight at night

  22. Feast of Natural

  23. Dual HIFU medical device

  24. POCN Portuguese Chinese Fusion Restaurant

  25. Deconstructing Shadows with Light and Color

  26. Cat Daily

  27. KOBE STORKS Japan pro basketball team

  28. Hangzhou KAI Innovation Office Complex

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