



Extra Form
Country Japan
Year 2024
Affiliation itoto architects
Designer Ryuichi Ito, Ayaka Ito
Description(English) The building is located on a main street lined with stores. In order to create a place where children could gather and become a symbol of the community, the exterior of the building was shaped like an open book. This shape gently welcomes children, and the space created by the curves of the building creates a plaza for the town, giving it a soft feeling. Inside, light pours in through a large opening planned for the spine of a book. It is designed so that people can lie down, study, and read books while absorbing plenty of light and scenery outside.
Description(Native) 建物が位置する場所は大通りに面しており、商店が多く立ち並んでいる。 子供たちが集まり、地域のシンボルとなるような場所とするために、建物の外観は本が開いたような形状とした。 この形状は子ども達を優しく迎え入れ、その曲線によって生まれた空間が町に対して広場を生み、やわらかさを与えている。 内部は、本の背表紙部分に計画した大きな開口部から光が差し込む。 外の光や風景をたっぷり吸収しながら寝転んだり、勉強をしたり、本を読むことが出来るように計画している。 開口部に面して吹抜を設け、緩やかに1階と2階が繋がるようにしている。 仕上材は日本古来の左官材を採用し、土色とすることで親しみのある空間としている。
Website www.itotoarchitects.com
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This building is praised for its innovative design that transforms a main street location into a community symbol. The exterior, shaped like an open book, warmly welcomes children and creates a town plaza with its gentle curves. Inside, abundant light from the "spine" of the book enhances the space for reading, studying, and relaxing. This thoughtful, inviting design earned it the Winner title, highlighting its excellence in fostering community and creativity.
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  1. Spiritual Home

  2. Ocean Immersion

  3. Aurora

  4. Wedge house

  5. Forest

  6. TansluSphere

  7. cocoda chair

  8. PP Hive


  10. Package design of a herbal food with five aromas

  11. Ultra Light Pacifier

  12. Signal Convex MIRROR of Volvo

  13. Beetle Inspired Biomimetic Charging Pile


  15. Colorful Club by Wine promotion advertisement

  16. MBD ASFA Spotter

  17. Baidu Driving Design System

  18. POSTECH Holdings Leaflet

  19. Tealog Sparkling Iced Tea

  20. Hairdryer S1

  21. Moonlight at night

  22. Feast of Natural

  23. Dual HIFU medical device

  24. POCN Portuguese Chinese Fusion Restaurant

  25. Deconstructing Shadows with Light and Color

  26. Cat Daily

  27. KOBE STORKS Japan pro basketball team

  28. Hangzhou KAI Innovation Office Complex

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