



Extra Form
Country Korea
Year 2024
Affiliation Sejong University
Designer Seungjae Son
Description(English) TURF FINGER is a event that delves into the conflicts arising over space. As places like "No *** Zones", those affected confront each other's perspectives through a game played on a checkerboard. This event aims to brighten a space darkened by conflicts with sportsmanship and humor. The symbol of TURF FINGER is visualized by two hands forming FF, representing the opposing interests. The checkerboard, hands, and game pieces serve as the Key Visuals, illustrating various aspects of the game—offense, defense, mediation, and strategy—in a humorous tone. This identity has been applied to posters, motion graphics, and promotional checkerboard kits.
Description(Native) TURF FINGER는 공간을 두고 벌어지는 갈등을 주제로 한 가상의 행사이다. 특정 연령 혹은 부류의 출입을 막는 '노○○존' 같은 갈등을 겪은 이들은, 바둑판 위 게임 한 판을 통해 서로의 입장을 생각하게 된다. 이는 바둑판이라는 작은 공간을 두고 겨룬다는 공통점에서 비롯되었다. 갈등으로 어두워진 공간을 스포츠맨십과 유쾌함으로 밝혀보고자 한다. TURF FINGER의 심벌은 연이은 F를 맞물린 두 손으로 형상화하여 상반된 이해관계를 시각화했다. 바둑판, 두 손, 바둑알을 키 비주얼로 사용하여, 공간을 두고 진행되는 게임의 여러 양상(공격·수비·중재·종합)과 해학적인 분위기를 표현했다. 이러한 아이덴티티는 포스터와 모션 그래픽, 프로모션 바둑판 키트 등에 적용되었다.
Positive Comments
Judging Comments TURF FINGER excels in creatively addressing space conflicts through an interactive checkerboard game. The design uses humor and sportsmanship to lighten the mood, with key visuals of hands forming FF, representing opposing interests. This innovative approach, applied across posters, motion graphics, and kits, effectively engages participants and earned it the Gold Winner title, highlighting its blend of creativity and conflict resolution.
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  1. Sculptural modular energy free cooling

  2. Repairer

  3. O N

  4. IRIS

  5. Cleanset

  6. loading and transportation vehicle

  7. FEEL CERTAIN Thermometer

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  9. G AILAB G Eye Parking Robot

  10. H abyz Gen2 Detector

  11. TinyCase

  12. Original Texture

  13. Cathay Run 2023

  14. DAEGAN

  15. CMF Sample Kit

  16. Pers Active Lab

  17. Thats good enough

  18. ONSUHO

  19. Wellness Support Platform for Immigrant Women

  20. Four Typologies

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  22. Encounter Zipeng Mountain

  23. The Tea Has Turned Red

  24. Safety Expiration date Sticker


  26. My Dear After Cancer Honeymoon Promotion Festival

  27. Equi CPR

  28. Field of Vision

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